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Durant for Regionals


Aspiring Trainer
Hey, all! So I ran this Durant deck at my States and came in 29th (4-3). Not bad for my first States. Now, I'm looking forward to my Regionals for this Saturday.

I have two more Junk Arms and two more Collectors on the way. They should be here by Friday (I hope).

Any help is welcomed and appreciated! Thanks!

Deck List (60 Cards):

Pokemon (5):
4 Durant (NV)
1 Rotom (UD)

T/S/S (45):
4 Level Ball (ND)
4 Crushing Hammer (EP)
4 Revive (BW)
4 Dual Ball (CL)
4 Eviolite (NV)
3 Pokemon Catcher (EP)
2 Junk Arm [TM]
2 Lost Remover (CL)
2 Super Rod (ND)
1 Switch (BW)
1 Alph Lithograph Four [TM]

3 Twins [TM]
3 Professor Oak's New Theory (HS)
3 Professor Juniper (BW)
2 Pokemon Collector (HS)
1 N (NV)

1 Battle City (PR)

Energy (11):
1 {C} Prism Energy
4 {M} Special Energy
6 {M} Basic Energy

Keep those Durants alive, and deck out your opponent before they can take six prizes. Rotom is in if one (or more) Durants are prized.
RE: Durant for States

Trexroarr said:
Hey, all! So I'm trying to work out a Durant deck for States, for next week, and this is what I came up with so far. I was planning on running my Reshiphlosion-EX deck, but I've been told that Durant is the way to go when comparing the two.

Any help is welcomed and appreciated! Thanks!

Deck List (60 Cards):

Pokemon (6):
4 Durant (NV)
1 Cobalion (NV)
1 Mime Jr. (CL)

T/S/S (43):
4 Eviolite (NV)
3 Pokemon Catcher (EP)
3 Great Ball (EP)
3 Revive (BW)
3 Level Ball (ND)
3 Super Rod (ND)
2 Switch (BW)
2 Max Potion (EP)
2 Potion (BW)
2 Dual Ball (CL)
1 Crushing Hammer (EP)
1 Lost Remover (CL)
1 Recycle (EP)
1 Junk Arm [TM]
3 Professor Oak's New Theory (HS)
2 Professor Elm's Training Method (HS)
2 N (NV)
2 Bianca (EP)
1 Sage's Training (UD)
1 Fisherman (HS)
1 Pokemon Collector (HS)
1 Interviewer's Questions (UL)
1 Twins [TM]
1 Cheerleader's Cheer (UL)
1 Battle City (BWPR)

Energy (11):
2 {C} Rescue Energy
4 {M} Special Energy
5 {M} Energy

Keep those Durants alive, and deck out your opponent before they take six prizes. Cobalion is a back up attacker and to stall. Mime Jr. is also in to stall and to deck out as well.


All Durant decks should run a rotom.
RE: Durant for States

Prof Elm is useless as you play no evolutions. Drop it for 2 more Dual Ball as T1 Durant swarm is crucial.

-2 Prof Elm
-2 Great Ball (With so few pokemon you'll probably miss)

+2 Dual Ball
+2 Crushing Hammer (You need to slow down your opponent as much as possible)
RE: Durant for States

The Elms were actually a typo. I copied my Reshiphlosion-EX list and then made edits, but I forgot to take them out. I fixed it now.

So since the Elms were never in there to begin with, what should I add in the place of the Great Balls, 2 Dual Balls, 2 Crushing Hammers, or 1 and 1?
RE: Durant for States

2 Dual Balls definitely. Also get rid of the 3rd Great Ball the 2 Potions and the Fisherman for 2 Crushing Hammer, a 2nd Lost remover and a 4th Level Ball
RE: Durant for States

I ordered a second Lost Remover so I can't put that in yet.

I have 4 Level Balls already.

The Fisherman and Potions were also mistakes lol. Check my list again. That is the finalized one. So...

-3 Great Ball

+2 Dual Ball
+1 Crushing Hammer

That right?
RE: Durant for States

Hey now! Nice job having Cobalion as a backup attacker! I can't offer any advice honestly, but I think that's pretty cool =) .
RE: Durant for States

Thanks! I've seen it in quite a few Durant decks so I thought I might try it out. I'm still not fully convinced on keeping it though.
RE: Durant for States

Bump please! I'm running low on time here. My States is this Saturday and soon I won't be able to order cards and get them here by then!
RE: Durant for States

Try taking out a cobalion and mime jr since it isn't really needed and add rotom in case a durant is prized and alph 4. Bianca is not good so try taking that out for juniper. Your t/s/s has some problems with it. Cheerleader's cheer is not good so take that out for another juniper and a pokemon collector for another dual ball.Take out max potion all together since it won't help much for the 4th dual ball and another junk arm for reusing trainers. Take out all great balls since they don't really help for 2 more junk arms and more lost remover/ crush hammer for disrupting. I may have left some things out but I hope I helped.
RE: Durant for States

That was all of my thinking too. I only have two Collector and two Junk Arm to work with however. The rest of the changes I'll definitely do. I'll post an updated list in a few minutes. :)

Okay! First post updated with my new list! Thanks a lot for all of the help, guys! :D

I'm debating on adding in a Cleffa. Would that help in any way?
RE: Durant for States

(Since I know someone said rotom, I will not restate to have it)
-1 Recycle
-2 Super rod
-1 rescue
-1 Cheren
- 1 Pont
-1 Metal
- Battle City
+ 3 Collector
+ 2 twins
+2 Junk arm
+ 1 Prism
+ 1 Lost remover
RE: Durant for States

No. Instead of mime jr. I'd run rotom if a durant is prized. I think junk arm should be maxed out to reuse trainers. Collector isn't really necessary since you already have 4 dual ball. I think 1 or 2 more lost remover could be added (when they arrive of course). I'd cut rescue energy for it since its not really needed.
RE: Durant for States

Jirachi said:
No. Instead of mime jr. I'd run rotom if a durant is prized. I think junk arm should be maxed out to reuse trainers. Collector isn't really necessary since you already have 4 dual ball. I think 1 or 2 more lost remover could be added (when they arrive of course). I'd cut rescue energy for it since its not really needed.

Collector is totally necessary. It guarantees 3 Pokemon, while dual ball is a gamble. I'd keep both in. He already said he was putting in rotom btw.
RE: Durant for States

I still think that 4 dual ball without collector is the better choice. You can use it in the same turn as a draw supporter to help you set up and can use as many as you want in one turn. It can also be reused with junk arm.
RE: Durant for States

I only have what I have to work with here. When the cards that I ordered arrive, I will still only have two Collector, two Lost Remover, and two Junk Arm. That's my problem. When they arrive (plus the others), I'll put them in for things like the Recycle, Rescue Energy, etc.

I actually got an email that they were shipped, so they'll be here before Saturday (thankfully).
RE: Durant for States

I just recieved the following in the mail; 1 Rotom, 1 Junk Arm, 1 Lost Remover, 1 Alph Four, 3 Twins and 1 Collector. Time to do some serious editing to my deck. Any ideas on what I should take out for these?