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Durant for Regionals

RE: Durant for States

I have updated my list in my first post. Everyone, please take a look and let me know what you all think. Thanks! :)
RE: Durant for States

I still think mime jr. is not needed because you want to discard as much and as fast as possible with durant. Considering that you can't get certain cards, I'd say its good but I think
-1 mime Jr.
+1 N (for draw power and to get setup as quickly as possible)

And this is for if getting the cards aren't a problem
-1 mime jr.
-1 prism (not that helpful IMO)
-1 basic metal energy (to make room)
-1 twins? (I think maybe only 3 is needed)

+1 N (already explained)
+2 junk arm (for reusing trainers)
+1 lost remover (disrupting the opponent)
RE: Durant for States

I took out Mime Jr. for a Switch. I don't like being stuck with Rotom as my active... lol

I still would love to work in another Metal Energy. I just don't get them often enough. And if I could fit a second N and a second Super Rod, that'd be good. After that, I think I will be set. Any ideas?
RE: Durant for States

I took out a Professor Oak's New Theory for a sixth Basic Metal Energy. I just wasn't getting energy when I needed it.

I'd still love to work in a second N and a second Super Rod. Any last minute advice for me? My States is TOMORROW!!
RE: Durant for States

Try to find people who have junk arms you can trade for or borrow if you know them. Try to find members on poke beach that will go to the same tournament you are going to so they might let you borrow some. Junk arms are very important.
-1 twins (I think 3 may be enough)
-1 crushing hammer (if you get junk arm of course)

+1 N
+1 super rod (as you wanted)

I'd try the following changes if you can get the junk arms
-2 energy
+2 junk arm (so you can reuse the trainers)
actually. A solution to your energy problem could be poke gear so you can most likely get a drawing supporter T1 so you can get energies that way.
RE: Durant for States

I agree that four Twins might be overkill. What do you think is more important for me to add then in it's place? A second N or a second Super Rod?
RE: Durant for States

I think a second N maybe. Revive kind of takes care of the durant, but other people might say to add another super rod.
First post updated! I came in 29th (4-3) at States, with this deck. I have my Regionals this Saturday, so all help is definitely welcomed! :)
My two Junk Arms and two Collectors came in the mail today. What should I take out for them? Also, should I put in a DCE just in case of a donk?
I don't think I would; you won't be able to get a single copy of a card when you need it, and I feel it's just better devoted to something else. Also, a question: I saw someone at States running Mewtwo in his Durant. Do you have any idea why that may be? I respect him as a skilled player, but he did come in like dead last.
Someone at my States also ran a Mewtwo-EX in his Durant deck. I actually played against him. Basically a mirror, but I beat him. It made his deck slow and inconsistent.
It's for opponent's Mewtwos that they load up, unsuspecting that a Durant would play a Mewtwo themselves. It seems to have caught on with recent versions too...I personally wouldn't run it, but if one chooses too, DCE and Switch seem to be mandatory.

You could take out two Level Ball and two Dual Ball for the Junk Arms and Collectors. The Balls are less powerful with more Collectors in the deck, plus you can Junk Arm for them too.

dmaster out.
Ahhh... It would be worth it if Durant actually planned on taking prizes. But I suppose if your opponent only had one copy, it could work.
If you had the cards I would still suggest
-1 prism (never really going to be used since metal and special metal are also going to be enough)
-2 Pokemon collector (I feel that dual ball is sufficient)
-1 PONT (I still think N will be better since it disrupts and you don't plan on taking prizes anyways)
-1 level ball (I'm not entirely sure but maybe 3 is enough since you also have dual ball and twins)
-1 crushing hammer (or other but I think a maxed out junk arm is essential)

+3 N
+1 juniper (good drawing supporter since it draws seven)
+2 junk arm (good for reusing needed trainers. If you don't have this try 2 poke gear)
Wouldn't N make it more difficult to deck your opponent out? They'll probably have less prize cards, so you'd be putting cards back into their deck.
The point is to disrupt them as much as possible. After they've taken a couple Prizes, it can really limit what's in your hand. If they play down a hand low as well, it's a good Supporter to use. It is situational, but it has some key uses early and mid game.

dmaster out.