Durant ideas?

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Veritas said:
When I first saw Durant, I also saw the potential. There were few milling partners because the only definite one is KGL. However, I think it's true partner lies with Dialga Palkia Legend. If somehow you could setup a DPL early in the game, attacking twice with the prize adding attack, you're set for the game. Not only that but DPL also mills 2 cards from their deck into their prizes. On top of that, DPL uses metal energy.

Durant dies easily and before you can finish milling their deck, they take 6 prizes. DPL makes of for this. The deck uses metal energies, which both durant and DPL use. The deck's purpose is to mill, which both DPL and Durant do.

The best way for these 2 cards to work together is if you can rush the DPL, attack hopefully more than once (because DPL would give the 2 prizes you milled) then spam durants. However rushing DPL isn't an easy task. Thoughts?

I also had this idea, but I find ''Durant (+ [insert title here])'', ''Durant + KGL'', and ''Durant + DPL'' all different decks.in their own right, as when I first tested Durant I tried it with PDL as well. All three variants focus on milling, that is a given, but setting them up and getting them going is the problem. My own conclusions will be worked out here below, if you're not interested in any of the three types, I suggest you just read what interests you, as well as skipping to the ''conclusion'' part of the stories if you don't want to read the whole thing...! Just keep in mind these things are MY opinion on these matters, and are in no way 100% based on facts...!


''Durant (+ [insert title here]'' (aka straigt Durant, or with any desired tech you want to include)

My entire coverage of ''my version'' can be found a few posts previous to this one, my partner in crime of choice is Weavile. I find the ''straight Durant'' lists the ones with the most potential, seeing their tactical flexibillity is optimal and concistent. It is not only the fastest variant, but also the easiest to get rollin- errr, I mean milling. Also, using nothing more than the ''basics'' of the deck (no pun intended, lol), you can maximize recovery and disruption in the deck by exploiting your meta's weaknesses and flaws with your own (simple) techs.


''Durant + KGL'' (aka Durant + Kyogre & Groudon Legend)

Durant along with KGL combines milling along with some strong offensive fire power; but it also increases Durant's ''luck factor''. With this I not only mean lady luck being on your side, but as well as for your opponent (depending on what you mill you can get a huge smack of damage on your opponent's board!).

While the main idea will remain milling (both cards work well in this aspect), KGL requires way too much energy to be powered up consistently, and you'll need to get both halves in play (as with any Legend, I know) along with your Durants. Pokémon Communication will be your friend here, along with Collector obviously, but you'll need cards to ''trade in'' which can be missed. Along with all the techs Durant will be bringing (this indeed varies on your own build, but still), you can easily fetch your Legend, but weren't those techs there for a reason (I know, some techs are useless in certain matchups, but still)? I suppose if you like a small gamble (this once again depends on your list) you could try out Legend Box as well, and during my testing it sped up my KGL considerably, however, it was not concistent enough to truly rely on during some tougher matches while I playtested the list I had.

On top of that, KGL uses 2 different types of energy than Durant (though Im guessing you'll mainly need Water energy) doesn't use (which isn't the worst, as you probably have other typing techs anyway, and usually along with the energy they require). What is both quite the advantage and a big backlash is that KGL can (ab)use DCE. ''But why can this backlash?'' you might think. Simply put, this backlashes for one reason: your list might not include DCE at all (I don't feel obliged to mention the huge energy cost here again as I did before, as it should be obvious by now)! And even if you do run DCE, it's probably for techs like Zoroark, Cinccinno, or whatever else takes your fancy. Slapping that on KGL means one less option for your tech to use during the match, and even though rare, Lost Remover will eat you alive(I know Lost Remover also eats your Special Metal energies, but tell me, what's easier to recover?).

And while were discussing energy, let me bring KGL's crucial downside to the daylight when comparing the synergy with Durant; the big 3 retreat it brings along. Do I see ''catcher bait'' written all over this ''little'' monster of us? I think so! And even if it's not dragged up front (ie, you send it up, or whatever reason it has for getting up front), expect it to stay there and remain there until it hits the discard (once again, depends on your list, but if you don't use 4 Switch or the likes (which isn't needed for Durant on it's own either way), don't expect it to leave the Active slot once it enters it. Note that SSU isn't a real option here, as you'd need to re-build those 4 energy all over again...!). And my final ''backlash'' which most of us forget when including them Legends in our decks (or at least, I get the impression most people forget it): KGL gives up two prizes when going down. A straight flushing down of your Durant line and one of these babies means your opponent won the game. Keep that in mind!

While these points sound more negative than positive, KGL's selling points provide some pro's to the deck; it's 150 HP make it very durable against anything not Zekrom and/or Jumpluff like, and the typing adds Durant's Fire (and Electric/Colourless)-counter to the deck. The water attack featured on KGL boasts enough power to do a straight cleanup from your opponent's field with exception from the Active, while the fighting attack can smash any active pokémon straight to the discard; the problem with them being the luck factor once again (Slowking and Research Record anyone?); depending on what you mill, and when.

Conclusion: KGL's cons outweigh the pro's a little too much to be a really viable choice, and especially if you're a ''concistency type'' player.


''Durant + DPL'' (aka Durant + Dialga & Palkia Legend)

Durant including DPL is a difficult matter to discuss really, as it also strongly depends on your matchup. While only ''Psuedo-Milling'' (as I like to call anything that only discards the top X number of cards from your opponent's deck where X can be anything from 1 to 3), DPL also adds the option to ''bounce'' away anything that could get in the way. However, DPL will also reduce Durant's speed, and require some serious resource-investment to first include it in your deck, then secondly getting it out, and thirdly getting it rolling on the field.

Getting it into play is our first concern. Stuff like Collector and Communication provide a reliable way to build it up at the cost of some other resources, but if you're more of an adventurous type of person you might even give Legend Box a try. Just ask yourself beforehand if you can miss all those resources, and if what DPL does during the matchup was worth all the effort?

While adding prizes to your opponent's field at the extent of their deck can sound good, take in mind the following factors as well: After adding the two prizes, you'll lose all your metal energy attached to DPL (this is not just limited to the two you use mandatory for the attack cost!) without any decent way to recover them quickly enough (depending on your list, I know, but even if you recover them in your hand, they'll be needed on the field asap anyways!)... Take into account you probably don't have anything to re-fuel DPL again with another 2 metal energy (at least!), meaning you'll be ''Psuedo-Milling'' two card every other turn, meaning DPL is actually a ''I take two turns to work'' attacker, which is not good at all. Secondly, we are discissing an attack that first discards two metal energy, and then only ''mills'' 2 cards... Our main attacker does double the milling for half the cost...! And to finish my ''ranting'' on this attack, I would like to point out that if they KO your DPL after you used Time Control on them (at least) once, you've essentially given them a free draw move of 2 cards, at the cost of not taking one prize. I don't know about the rest, but sometimes I'd prefer a free 2 card draw over a prize anyways? ''But I can lay down more than 2 prizes for them before DPL goes down!'' Well, let me get this straight; without any dedicated super method to recycle and attach your metal energies to DPL every turn, you'll be adding 4 prizes in 4 turns. Now tell me, any opponent who hasn't wrecked DPL by 4 turns isn't on the winning side anyways? so why not keep milling with your Durant anyways?

This brings us to the other attack. While it requires a different type of energy (Water), it only requires one of said energy. On top of that, depending on what you slap on your DPL you could switch between using Time Control and Sudden Delete, first dropping two prizes on your opponent, and then ''deleting'' anything that could take out DPL during the ''dead turn'' in between your Time Control attacks. The problem with this is what to choose? Bounce back that horrible tech, or that dangerous main attacker? And will you focus on keeping DPL in play, or is it just a ''stepping stone'' for Durant to make the matchup easier? No use in bouncing basics back either; they will either be splashed right back onto the bench, or they will be replaced by something far worse (probably) anyways. The final ''flaw'' of this attack being that if your opponent doesn't have any benched pokémon at all, you can't ''delete'' anything anyways...!

Things to consider before putting DPL in don't stop there though; take a look at it's stats for example. The monster 160 HP, along with the abillity to (ab)use Special Metal Energy are wonderful, but if you look further, you'll see all the good news ends here; DPL packs the same weakness as Durant features, and adds Electric to that as well. The big 3 retreat aren't likely to be paid either, so bring something like switch and/or SSU along the way too (SSU is great in the way you could dump 2 prizes on your opponent, they smack it for damage but don't KO it, and you just bounce it back to your hand for prize denial, as well as adding 2 prizes. The obvious downside to this is that you'll need to re-build your DPL from scratch again (if you didn't have to already); otherwise your DPL will be stuck in the Active slot until you either win, or until it goes down to the discard. Besides, doesn't the 3 retreat scream ''Catcher bait'' loudly into your ears? That's right, either bring cards like Switch and/or SSU, or get some ear buds. Ironically, if we just take typing into account, DPL could be Durant's sought Fire-counter, but when we look at the attacks DPL doesn't deal a single damage counter (or at least 10 damage) to your opponent whatsoever, making it's typing only rellevant when (ab)using Special Metal Energy, checking for weakness and/or resistance, and attacks that have an additional attack when there is a specific type in play (but I guess to use it to determine a card's attack energy costs as well I guess?).

Conclusion: DPL's pro's and cons are kind of balanced, but in a general Durant list DPL will cause more problems than that it adds to the deck. On paper this looks wonderful, but when playtesting it turns out that DPL is too resource and effort heavy to get out, in ratio in what it does for you.


Please feel free to share any of your opinions and experience with the above mentioned cards; I'd love to hear a scenario where they actually worked (on a concistent basis, not just some lucky matches of course!), and how you did it? I'd also love to discuss anything you might not agree with me, either in this topic (but let's stay on topic) or by pm.

Once again, everything above is just my personal opinion and experience. Not everything is 100% based on facts, but just what I think and experienced with the cards, thank you!
^mini article ftw :D,i completely agree...straight durant +weavile +some techs is much faster and consistant than the other versions :D
I say "NAW" to DPL based on how it slows down the deck and the necessity of three Energy to attack. I'd much rather start plowing T1 than worrying about getting Legends out of my deck. They can cause bad starts, and are completely useless unless you have both in your hand within a matter of turns. Yanmega uses DPL as snipe bait, and by the time you do get three Energy on it, you'll get to use that second attack once. Not worth it.
Rotom is definitely a good idea, however I'm still fond of running straight Durants and Durant only, because it practically assures to get you 4 Durants Turn 1, which is necessary to win.
You can't run only four Durant as your Pokemon line. You can't discard 30+ cards with Durant only. You need to hand disrupt as well in order to slow them down from setting up so you don't get your Durant destroyed.
TDA said:
^mini article ftw :D,i completely agree...straight durant +weavile +some techs is much faster and consistant than the other versions :D

I'm sorry if it was too lengthy, but I like to explain nearly everything when I speak of something, maybe I should watch that... But yes, I have the same opinion as you...! =)

EspeonROX said:
I say "NAW" to DPL based on how it slows down the deck and the necessity of three Energy to attack. I'd much rather start plowing T1 than worrying about getting Legends out of my deck. They can cause bad starts, and are completely useless unless you have both in your hand within a matter of turns. Yanmega uses DPL as snipe bait, and by the time you do get three Energy on it, you'll get to use that second attack once. Not worth it.

I would like to know what you precisely mean by the first bolded line, as I fail to see how they can cause bad starts? You can't start with a pokémon Legend in any given situation? and if it starts in your hand, dump it turn 1, if only one half is in your hand, use communication to get something better, or keep it until you have the 2nd part? Please elaborate, as it interests me! =)

As for the 2nd bolded line, I doubt you would be putting down DPL VS yanmega either way, and if you did I suppose you'd be slapping on Sp Metals while it is on the bench to reduce the damage to 30, 20, 10, or even 0 per turn (I know I would, waiting for my opponent to waste an Catcher on it, or waiting when the time would be there to strike anyways)?
EspeonROX said:
You can't run only four Durant as your Pokemon line. You can't discard 30+ cards with Durant only. You need to hand disrupt as well in order to slow them down from setting up so you don't get your Durant destroyed.

Not a bad idea from my pov. in 5 turns it can discard 20 cards, and that's the bare minimum it'll discard becasue your opponent will take 5 prizes, although you will definitely get more time than that because no decks setup turn one, and yanmega can't OHKO. You can run hand disrupt like judges and trickery, even with just durant.
...if you survive. You're forgetting that you won't be dealing any damage, and ReshiBoar is gonna tear you apart if they get set up. You cannot let them set up. With 70 HP, you need Special Metals, Eviolite, Defender and Revive to consistently be able to reduce that damage being done to you. Durant's not gonna get the job done alone. Hand disruption is vital. Using Weavile's Power to discard a PETM, Collector, you name it from the hand is more than necessary. It's practically a must. Rotom is needed.

James, I thought we were on the same page. You denounce PDL when you say that "PDL is too resource and effort heavy to get out, in ratio in what it does for you." Why do you wanna fight my logic...haha. PDL takes Weaknesses from Reshiram and Zekrom and Magnezone Prime, three of the most popular Pokemon in the game. You're telling me you want to take three turns to "(ab)use" Special Metal Energy and attach them to PDL and then "Discard all {M} Energy attached to Palkia & Dialga LEGEND" just so you can add two more cards to their Prize Cards. And, during your opponent's next turn, you get Bolt Striked for 240 damage. Good work. Your opponent takes two Prize Cards. Our attack did nothing.

That's getting the job done.


Or, on the other hand, you could attach those Special Metal to Durant so they can actually take a hit or two before being KO'd and continue to discard more than two cards per turn.

James said:
As for the 2nd bolded line, I doubt you would be putting down DPL VS yanmega either way, and if you did I suppose you'd be slapping on Sp Metals while it is on the bench to reduce the damage to 30, 20, 10, or even 0 per turn (I know I would, waiting for my opponent to waste an Catcher on it, or waiting when the time would be there to strike anyways)?

...haha. Yeah. So while you're stacking Special Metals on your precious PDL, Yanmega's using Sonicboom on our Durants. Doing 70 each turn you reduce the damage to thirty, twenty, ten to zero. Until you're left with no Durant. So, in your situation, you'd bring up the PDL, use Time Control, and discard those Energy. Yanmega Prime decks will slowly wittle away at your HP, now that you have no Special Metal, or, switch out to Magnezone Prime in which they are often paired with.
You don't need to survive. Reshiboar will tear me apart? So what, let them. I'll be slowly whittling away at their deck. They set up maybe at turn 3? Plus the 5 turns they need to kill 5 Durants that's 8 turns I can use to discard 32 cards. They draw 7 cards in the beginning + the 6 prize cards that's already 45 and you're not including Ninetales and Shuckle and the sort. There are ways to use hand disruption without pokemon. Judge, Trickery, there's a lot of it, and it's still very plausible.
Trickery, yes. I love that. However, you seem to forget that you may not always get four Durant T1. LIKE IF THEY WERE PRIZED. If even one is Prized, you discard a lot less. Dual Ball is vital as well.
Yeah that's my main problem with running 4 Durant, although I still think the max non-durant pokemon you should be running is like 2-4. Maybe just go with 4 Durant 1/2 Rotom.
@EspeonRox: in my book we're still "on the same page", I was just curious about your statement of a Legend slowing you down if it is in your opening hand? =) I asked about it since it's the first time I heard that statement, and I just used DPL as an example, nothing more =) And when referring to the Yanmega vs DPL part, I was assuming it was just those two duking it out, not Yanmega vs Durant(as I wouldnt include DPL to begin with?). =)

On another note, I cannot stress enough that Rotom must be included for in any case any Durant is prized; which will hurt your milling options a lot.
I just realized, running 4 Durant will most likely give your opponent a starting hand of.....more than 7 cards. So you'd be off to a bad start (unless you get EXTREMELY lucky and not draw any Durant for 20 turns, then decking out would be a ton easier ^.^)

Also about Rotom, it's move is extremely useful for 1 electric energy. It one hits Blastoise, Gyarados, and does 60 to Reshi Zecky. Not great, but really useful especially if Zekrom already used Bolt Strike twice =).
Rotom is just as important to this deck as azelf was to gdos...atleast in gdos'es case you could stil get a couple pirzes with just 2 karp in discard,in this,every durant prized makes it exponentially difficult to win...
I say play:
4 Durant
1 Rotom
3-3 Weavile
for a Pokémon line. Only 1 Rotom to not start with it, and it's unlikely both Rotom and a Durant would be prized at the same time.
3-3 Weavile since with your 2 extra spaces on your bench (3 Durant), you might as well play 3 Weavile in case 1 Weavile/Sneasel is Prized. I'm thinking of lowering this to 2-2, perhaps.

Anyone think Judge could be a valuable addition to this deck? Early-game, a Judge could wreck your opponent's start, particularly with Weavile.

I don't think Reshiboar will be too tough a matchup– they should have trouble recovering any energy, what with you discarding it and recovery cards.
3-3 is a little too much. I'd go 2-2 with a couple Mime Jr. to prevent a bad start. That's just me.
Alright, so 2-2 Weavile.

But for Mime Jr., I'm not sure it should be included. It's an easy snipe for Yanmega, etc. and not something you want to use Eviolite on. I think starting with it could really hurt, since you want to be able to get out 4 Durant T1. If you include Mime Jr, it lowers your chance of getting Durant in your starting hand, and as I said, it becomes dead bench space later or a free prize for your opponent. It could be okay late-game if your opponent has 1 prize left and can OHKO your Durant the next turn just to hopestall, but doesn't seem to have too much of a place early-game.
Flawed reasoning on my behalf. Someone slap me. If we get a Sneasel up front, it's not good. On the other hand, if we include Mime Jr., which isn't as bad, it could at least give us a turn to Collector, Dual Ball or whatever. If we have a really poor hand and can't do any of those, we can at least do something disruptive. I'm throwing one in my deck that's for sure.
Sneasel has 0 Retreat, I'd say it's not too bad. Less likely to be KO'd T1 than Mime Jr, at least. I don't want to start with Mime Jr, that's just dead bench space or a free prize later in the game. I made a decklist, I'll post it in the Deck Garage soon.
EDIT: I posted it, it's just standard Durant, with Weavile but no KGL or PDL.
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