Durant ideas?

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scans on front page said:
Durant - Metal - HP70
Basic Pokemon

[M] Devour: Discard a number of cards from the top of your opponent's deck equal to the number of Durant your have in play.
[C][C] ViceGrip: 30 damage.

Weakness: Fire (x2)
Resistance: Psychic (-20)
Retreat: 1

Yeah, I know that it's frail, and it wouldn't live long, but it looks cool. If you spam Dual Ball/Collector on Turn one, and get just 1 metal, you could be discarding 3 or 4 cards off the top of your opponent's deck on turn 1. If you think about it, with a slower format we're in now, where your opponent needs at least 2 if not more turns to set up, you might be able to get some key cards out of their deck. I realize it's probably a bad idea, but if you get 3 durants for 4 turns, that's 12 cards for just 1 metal energy, and with revives and stuff you can keep going. I'm wondering if there's anything out there that could help make this deck work in the long run. Any other Pokemon or Trainers that could be teched in to make your opponent deck-out. Let me know if you have any ideas, I know this probably isn't a good one, but it looks like at least a little bit of fun :)
this crad has huge potential, IMO. i'd do something like this:
4 durant
4 mime jr COL
4-4 Magmotar TR
2-2 slowking HGSS

4 collector
4 dual ball
4 rivive
4 pokedex

4 special metal
4 reg metal
alot of fire nrg

the point would be to swarm majorly in the begining with durant and then mime jr. while u swarm with them, u stack as many fire energy on magmotar. the whole effort would go to making them deck out or disrupt their strategy for the longest time u can using slowking and pokedex to arrange cards. i know it needs more cards but that would be up to you like defender and the poketool thats coming out too that is an attachable defender and rockets trickery would also do good. wat do ya think?
Wouldnt weavile+team rockets trickery+durant be more of a disrupter early game? you could perhaps setup a secondary heavy hitter to finish off late game...
Don't bother with Slowking. The aim of the deck is to have at least 3 Durants out to discard and since you will be discarding the top 3 of their deck anyway, you won't need to see what they are.

I'd go with Weaviles, Seekers, SSU, Mime JR (Just 2- starting with Durant would be nice. Collector for the other three and you're set)
Splash in some Judges for early game disruption and N for late game as most likely you will not be drawing many prizes. You will need some sort of attacker to wipe the floor with at the end.

Oh.. and don't forget the Eviolites and Sp. Metals for it to abuse :)
Eviolite, Eviolite, Eviolite. Eviolite.

Please add it in to whatever list you're playing. It'd help a poopload.
^Poopload indeed. I love disruption. I like that idea of Magmortar as well, but seeing as you need to add quite a bit of Fire Energy to do some serious discarding, it's kind of slow. Run maybe 2-2, seeing as it's decent against Yanmega Prime also and can 2HKO it. Slowking isn't needed.

Run a few Weavile UD for early hand disruption, and use Team Rocket's Trickery.
KGL just found new teammate.. :D But indeed Eviolite is a must and rainbow energy if you add those little ants to KGL deck
Eviolite with Special Metal could be rather fun. Reducing damage by 30 if you've only got 1 special metal- that seems like a pretty good idea. It's pretty hard to OHKO Durant then. Resistance to Mew Prime helps a bunch too.

Weavile seems like a cool idea- slowing down my opponent's setup would be a huge plus to try and get some extra cards off of their deck with durant. Judge and N seem like great ideas to help out as well.

KGL would be rather interesting, 5 cards off the top of the deck is great (and the 30 spread for each energy is good too), but it seems rather slow and inconsistant. (At least it can use DCE.) Any ideas for getting this card out early? I know there's Legend box, but is there anything else?
Does anyone realize the true potential of this card? It (assuming you start milling turn 1 with 4 in play) will probably win by turn 8 (assuming they run no recovery), and I see almost nothing in this format that can keep up with it, and with Eviolite+special metal it takes 100 to one shot it. If you combine that with the fact that it can abuse N and catcher to their fullest, then I think this card will be amazing. Sadlly I think that other than maybe mime jr CoL, that there are no really good partners for it. Under normal circumstances I would say fire proof it, but there is no good anti fire techs right now.
If you disagree with anything I say LMK.
^Um, Reshiram and Magnezone keep up fine with Durant.

It does sound like a neat idea. I'll have to try it on Redshark, and my Pokemon line would be like this:

4 Durant EP
2-2 Weavile UD
2-2 Magmortar TM
2 Mime Jr. CoL

I wouldn't bother with its second attack, however. 2 for 30 isn't great.
This is slightly off topic, but I have a real love of drafting at Pre-Releases. In fact that is probably my favorite part of Pokemon in general. Now just consider spamming 4+ Durant and a handful of Metal Energy/Catcher/Evolite at a draft. As long as you don't get hit for weakness, you are almost always going to be able to pull off a deckout.

As for the card itself in a real format, its a cool idea, but it is also not going to work at all. The format has plenty of fire type Pokemon, as well as Pokemon who have equal speed too (Yanmega). So it'd work for a while, but after your opponent gets a way to OHKO a Durant you lose. You knock off 4 cards, and then they take a prize. You need to attack approximately twelve times with a perfect setup and perfect recovery to win. You opponent is going to take six prizes without any backlash whatsoever in about nine turns, assuming you don't discard their entire attacking line on your first two tries, which is completely unlikely, and the fact that they remade Night Maintenance is going to give them a not awful form of recovery...
DawnOfXatu said:
You need to attack approximately twelve times with a perfect setup and perfect recovery to win.
12 is too much, because you do remember that you are forced to take a card at the begining of each turn. So seeing if my math is right it should take about 8-9 turns to deck them (this calculations includes opponents draws, and their starting hand and prizes).

Yoshidude10 said:
^Um, Reshiram and Magnezone keep up fine with Durant.

It does sound like a neat idea. I'll have to try it on Redshark, and my Pokemon line would be like this:

4 Durant EP
2-2 Weavile UD
2-2 Magmortar TM
2 Mime Jr. CoL

I wouldn't bother with its second attack, however. 2 for 30 isn't great.
Sorry but I have to disagree, getting 4 basics and 1 energy with nothing else needed is a lot faster than decks that depend upon stage 2, and that is why catcher helps them soo much, drag something heavy and mill.
^I understand, but a good Reshiboar/Magneboar/Typhloram list will run max Rare Candy and Communication to ensure the latest set-up is T3. By then, a team of Durant will be able to mill 15 cards, but with Super Rod coming, I don't think Durant will be very easy to play.
Yoshidude10 said:
^I understand, but a good Reshiboar/Magneboar/Typhloram list will run max Rare Candy and Communication to ensure the latest set-up is T3. By then, a team of Durant will be able to mill 15 cards, but with Super Rod coming, I don't think Durant will be very easy to play.

True, but if you catcher up an emboar then they will have a rough day. It isn't perfect, but it is a good deck.
DawnOfXatu said:
If you catcher an Emboar, then they'll just attach a handful of Energy and then proceed to sweep you...

TBH I don't want to argue right now. All I am saying is it is good, not perfect, but not weak either.
The Wii Man1234 said:
TBH I don't want to argue right now. All I am saying is it is good, not perfect, but not weak either.
Perhaps not all that weak, but weak enough that i wouldn't enter tourneys with it.
But if you do mill 15 cards off any deck,there is a pretty good chance they cant recover :O,by the time they attach 4 energies to emboar and ko durant,i would reckon atleast 18-21 cards being milled,which added to their draw at turn starting and cards they draw,can deplete more than half of their deck...which imo is more than enough disruption...
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