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Professor Pokémon

Aspiring Trainer
4 Durant
1 Pichu
1 Rotom

5 {M}
4 Special{M}
2 Rescue {C}

3 Juniper
3 N
3 Twins
4 Collector

3 Catcher
4 Lost Remover
4 Crushing Hammer
4 Eviloite
4 Revive
3 Junk Arm
3 Pokecom
1 Alph
too many energies
don't need alph (skyarrow if any stadium)
4 catcher and 4 junk arm & 4 twins is a must in this deck as well.
I'd get rid of pichu and communication for level ball since it works well. Try some black belt too.
I prefer Mime Jr to Pichu, because you have tons of draw and collectors in Durant. Also, energy count is mostly like this:
2 Rescue
3 Spec. {M}
4 {M}
As spec. {M} is prone to LR.
Also, PokeComm is useless, so take out all of them. You could use Defender and 1 more JA.
That's all for now!
rileysill32 said:
too many energies
don't need alph (skyarrow if any stadium)

I'm nearly positive that he meant Alph Lithograph :p
Why the heck would you play Skyarrow to help your opponent retreat
their catchered, naked (no energy), heavy basics?
If any stadium, run Battle City, or, if you can't get them, Pokemon Center.

Also, Cobalion is needed and Pichu is not. Cobalion is good for many matchups sometimes and +3 turns.

I think you can take out the rescues for Prisms so you can attack w/ Rotom against things like lone Zekrom and lone Mewtwo EX. And you already run 4 Revives.
I think 3 Catchers are enough when i play 4 Junk Arms,4 Twins are to much
Pokecom=Pokecom 3.0, Black Belt is only good,I think, when my opponent has low basics on the field so I don`t think it would help me against big basics
Yes my energie count is a bit to high but i play now 4{M},4 Special{M}, 2 Rescue

-1 {M}

+1 Junk Arm
grantm1999 said:
I'm nearly positive that he meant Alph Lithograph :p
Why the heck would you play Skyarrow to help your opponent retreat
their catchered, naked (no energy), heavy basics?
If any stadium, run Battle City, or, if you can't get them, Pokemon Center.

Also, Cobalion is needed and Pichu is not. Cobalion is good for many matchups sometimes and +3 turns.

I think you can take out the rescues for Prisms so you can attack w/ Rotom against things like lone Zekrom and lone Mewtwo EX. And you already run 4 Revives.

No, why would you play Cobalion? Mime Jr gets cards off the deck while you set up, and Cobalion takes prizes. This wont do anything in the long run, so no, never use Cobalion.

@Professor Pokemon, you mean PokeGear 3.0?
I think the pokemon should just be
4 durant
1 rotom
Mime Jr. isn't needed because you start discarding from T1. Cobalion is also unnecessary. Try black belt for an unexpected OHKO for those weaker pokemon.
No, Ive noticed a definite sincecof efficiency in Decks with Mime Jr, why black belt for the same reason as Cobalion.
So i made some changes and first i have two places left so help me which card i shoul add:

4 Durant
1 Rotom
1 Pichu (if i don't have my collectors)

4 Collector
3 Juniper
3 Twins
3 N

4 Eviolite
4 Lost remover
4 Crushing hammer
4 Revive
3 Pokegear 3.0
3 Junk Arm
3 Catcher
1 Alph

4 {M}
4 Special{M}
2 Rescue
No, youre a bit high on energy, try 8 at max. I'd add another JA for an N, and try Mime Jr instead of Pichu, seriously.
i play it like this i tested today and result were very good

chandelure i played 3 matches won 2 we just have stil the problems witch his power he can kill use slow by putting dmg on each durrant

cobalion i played 2 time and won 2 times i was up to zekrom witch 80 hp dmg from his second attack i had the change to kill it witch rotom and he had no pokemon witch any energy
the second match i needed black belt to kill his cobalion i cood attack 2 time with rotom wil he had only 1 price card left and he had 3 card away from deck lose he had no other pokemon lauded up and i won the game by killing it

another opponent played witch arcanine even if i had weakness i had a good change of winning the game he alway flipet tails 2 time bad luck happents

pokemon 5

4 durant
1 rotom

trainers 44

3x twins
4x juniper
1x black belt
4x N
4x collector
1x seeker
3x eviolite
1x switch
4x lvl ball
4x revive
3x catcher
4x junk arm
4x lost remover
4x pokegear 3.0

energy 11

4x real metal
5x basic metal
2x prism
cronos, your list is also a bit high on energy, and please, sommeone try Mime Jr! But never play pichu, because you usually have 4 dual ball/collector and 4 level ball.
i cood do -1 energy less than 10 is not good if you stand befor chandelure you have to retreat a few times from ure burning and confuse so its a good idee to have e few more energy than nessesery
Whoever says that both lists are high on Energy, please stop now. I'd try running something like four Special Metal, five Basic Metal, and two Prism/Rescue Energy as your Energy line.
My Durant (I'm in seniors and used this deck in Victoria States and finished 3rd)

4 Durant
1 Rotom
1 Cobalion

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Twins
3 Seeker
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Professor Juniper
1 N
4 Revive
4 Eviolite
3 Junk Arm
3 Crushing Hammer
3 Switch
2 Pokemon Catcher
2 Lost Remover
2 Defender
2 Super Scoop Up
1 Alph Lithograph
1 Pokegear 3.0
1 Level Ball

4 Special Metal Energy
7 Metal Energy

You could use Rescue, but Revive is a bit more reliable (you can JA it)