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Dusk-Gia (Dusknoir/Lugia EX)


Aspiring Trainer
3-1-3 Dusknoir
3 Landorus EX
2 Lugia EX
1 Mewtwo EX

3 Juniper
3 N
3 Skyla
2 Bianca (maybe +1 Juniper, +1 N instead)
1 Colress (I WILL NOT RUN MORE -_-)

ITEM: 20
2 Rocky Helmet
3 Rare Candy
2 heavy Ball
2 Catcher (league rule: max 2)
2 Switch
2 Ultra Ball
2 Colress Machine
1 Energy Search
1 Computer Search
1 Tool Scrapper

2 Frozen City

7 Fighting
4 Plasma

FROZEN CITY: Trainer - Stadium
When either player places any energy onto their non-Team Plasma Pokémon, they have to put two damage counters on that Pokémon

Start with Landorus, deal damage kill nobody! Then later use Dusknoir to move all but 120 damage to thier active and ko with Lugia and take about 3 prizes per turn and win. Pretty consistent. I think this deck idea will win big soon! Top tier you will see. Just try it. All reccomendations are greatly appreciated.
A good balance, great job! The only thing that works against you is frozen city. The majority of your pokemon are non plasma so that may go against you at a really bad time. The only 1 that could help you maybe is either Skyarrow, or Aspertia. Aspertia could work if you are building around the lugia's, and it would give them extra hp. I do not know for sure. I hope this helps.

Jagz817 aka Inferno Entei
The Damage you'd be taking from Frozen city isn't much of a concern though, because Landorus EX will rarely have more than one energy attached to it, so Frozen city benefits more than hurting. I'm not sure how much use Rocky helmet has been giving you, but it looks to me like a card in there because you ran out of ideas for trainers.
I would suggest:
-2 Rocky Helmet

+1 Max Potion (can save a Landorus that's taken some big hits and with just one energy, you're hitting again)
+1 Double Colorless (helps Lugia and Mewtwo)

Just something to think about. :D