Dusknoir Variants

Weezing / Dusknoir / Deoxys-EX
Set up as many Weezing as possible, accelerating with Colress Machine and start spreading damage. I play 2 Reversal Triggers to give my opponent more to think about when KO'ing a Weezing, because it would not only discard the opponent's first 3 cards, but also search mine for any card. I also play a Silver Bangle to add up some damage, because with it it would be 20 base+20 Deoxys+30 Bangle=70 to the active AND 20 Spread into the bench, and then arrange the counters to take as many prizes at once as possible.
Luispipe8 said:
Weezing / Dusknoir / Deoxys-EX
Set up as many Weezing as possible, accelerating with Colress Machine and start spreading damage. I play 2 Reversal Triggers to give my opponent more to think about when KO'ing a Weezing, because it would not only discard the opponent's first 3 cards, but also search mine for any card. I also play a Silver Bangle to add up some damage, because with it it would be 20 base+20 Deoxys+30 Bangle=70 to the active AND 20 Spread into the bench, and then arrange the counters to take as many prizes at once as possible.
Very creative; nice deck concept.

What are your playtesting results against the top decks?
TuxedoBlack said:
Very creative; nice deck concept.

What are your playtesting results against the top decks?
I'll summarize the decks on MY League's current Metagame:

-Blastoise/Keldeo/BKEX: More favorable than you think, they actually deck themselves out and I always manage to do somehow enough damage to kill one or even 2 Blastoise, so I have an upper hand here.

-Plasma: I used to have a good run by Catcher'ing the benched Deoxys, but I fell that it'll be even harder to do nowadays with the Catcher errata.

-Haxorus/Gabite:If I can't get enough damage on the field before Haxorus gets both energies on(which most of the time I don't...), I'm screwed. Just as that.

-Klinklang w/Registeel: As long as Registeel is not attacking, I get even with them, because it resists 20 from Resistance, 20 from Eviolite AND 20 from Protect Charge, practically nullifying the Active's damage. Apart from that, I just move damage to be able to KO something with energies on, since they can't be moved anymore.

-Thundurus-EX/Raikou-EX/Plamazone Rogue: This deck is really fast because it gets acceleration from both Thundurus and Colress Machine, so If I don't have at least one Weezing ready to hit, It's pretty ugly to me... :/

-Beedrill: I spread the damage as much as possible to avoid Max Potion abuse and then hit the final blow with Dusknoir.

-Darkrai: Auto loss for this deck. It simply can't catch up to it once it gets set up, and even harder with Hammers.

I also have Flareon, Garchomp and a Virizion deck, but I've been using my Flareon deck against them, so I don't have their matchups.
Its a very nice deck concept for sure, I really think that it could work to someones advantage in a tournament without darkrais (unfortunately these days there aren't many). The problem as you specify with matchup is the overflow of darkrais in the meta at the moment is hard to overcome, but if I ever find out that no one is playing Darkrai in a tournament near me I'll use this deck hands down.
A friend of mine runs this deck with Leafeon as a great counter for Blastoise, and uses Sawk for a Plasma matchup if he ever comes across Thundurus EX. For the most part the deck works quite well from what I have seen.