DPPt/HGSS DV's Super Unoriginal Platinum Nuzlocke

Dark Void said:
A Nuzlocke is a challenge version of a Pokemon Game where you are only allowed to catch the first pokemon you see in any area and if a pokemon faints you can't use it ever again (basically it dies.)
what about the pokemon center? are you only allowed to use it one time?

Dark Void said:
Yeah, I never really was considering Aquae or Ferrum. Aquae's Ice and Water attacks give it perfect coverage on everything but water, and the only notable water trainer was Crasher Wake, who I've already beaten. Ferrum, on the other hand, just has meh special attack and I feel it'd be a waste to teach it to him. The thing is, Shadow is good on Ghost and Psychic, but I've already beaten Fantina, and I wouldn't want to use VIndicta against Lucian since Lucian can hit it for super effective damage. Also, Ominous Wind is a pretty bad attack, at only 60 base power, and its the strongest ghost move Fulmen gets if I don't teach it shadow ball. Some of Day 11 is up, I'll do more today.
i would give vaporeon toxic over bite because vaporeon is not really a phsyical attacker.

Dark Void said:
Yeah I was thinking that would be the right choice because Roserade can't hit the numerous poison types of Team Galactic very hard. That's what I'll do then.
i think you should just death foughter it

Dark Void said:
I hate to be a copycat but when I heard about nuzlocking by reading 6Ds thread I was very interested. I know I won't even be the first person to copy him but I'd like to post my experiences nuzlocking Pokemon Platinum anyway. I'm expecting this to be really hard, so I won't be surprised if I fail halfway.

Day 1
We start out talking to the knowledgable Pokemon Professor Rowan, who tells us stuff about Pokemon that we already know. Apparently his eyesight is really bad because he can't even tell what gender I am. Seriously, he needs glasses. I tell him my name and the name of my rival (Barry) and we begin.
So we start out watching tv. Seems like I'm a lazy bum or something. Suddenly, there is a thundering noise from the stairs and a mass of blonde hair shoves its way into my room. A wild Barry appeared!!! Time to catch it! But I don't have any Pokeballs, so that'll have to wait. Barry convinces us to go to Professor Rowan and get some Pokemon. Barry leaves, so I head to his house. Suddenly, the door flies open. The wild Barry used Tackle! It's super effective! He gets his stuff and we head to route 201. He is about to charge into the grass, knowing he is a stronger Pokemon than those Bidoof, when Professor Rowan interrupts and gives us a Pokemon.
I'd like to choose Chimchar but I know on a Nuzlocke I'd have a lot of trouble with Roark if I did that, and Turtwig sucks, so I pick Piplup. I also get the result of tricking Barry into picking Turtwig, which won't be hard to defeat later in the game. Now the battle versus Barry has finally begun. He uses Withdraw a bunch but he's only hitting me for 2 damage anyway after a growl so I just pound him to death. I get the running shoes and we go to the lake to catch a legendary only to see Cyrus and remember we have no Pokeballs. Fail.
When we get to the professor's lab in Sandgem, the door flies open. Wild Barry used Tackle! Is it just me or do I sense a recurring theme here...I name Piplip Diluvium, which is flood in Latin (Goodle Translate ftw), get the Pokedex, TM27 Return, and, after visitng mom, five Pokeballs. I catch a Starly on Route 201 and name it Ventus, Latin for wind. At Lake Verity I get a Bidoof who I name Campum. On Route 202 Lass Natalie's Bidoof gets a critical hit on Ventus, killing it. The first Pokemon I meet on Route 202 is another Bidoof so I don't bother catching it.
In Jubilife I run into a wild Looker, who is almost as crazy as Barry. Speaking of Barry, we run into him at the Trainer School and he tells us he is going to challenge Oreburgh's Gym. On Route 204 I catch a Kricketot, name it Infestatio, and grind a bid before saving and stopping.

Day 2
I start by getting the Poketch. Then my second battle with Barry begins as soon as I enter Route 3. He starts with a Starly and I lead with Diluvium. I easily defeat the Starly with some Bubble attacks, then I bring in Infestatio against his Turtwig. After 6 Growls to lower his attack I bring in Campum to finish the job with some tackles. The first Pokemon on Route 203 is a Starly so I catch it and name it VentusMKII. Infestatio evolves into a Kricketune and I catch a Machop on Route 207 which I name Bellator. After Campum and Diluvium evolve I challenge Roark. My hours of training pay off as I OHKO both his Geodude and his Onix. I then 2HKO his Cranidos for the win. Barry Tackles me again as I leave Oreburgh, telling me the next Gym is in Eterna. Duh. I run into Looker, who tells me there is no one shady in Jubilife, only for me to head north about 10 steps and see 2 Galactic Grunts threatening Professor Rowan. Real vigilant, Looker. I defeat them with help from Dawn and end this session.

Day 3
After reaching Floaroma Town a little girl tells us Team Galactic is at the Valley Windworks. Normally I wouldn't care but Team Galactic is blocking every exit to the town so it looks like I have to beat them up if I want to leave. I beat the Galactic Grunt by the entrance only for him to lock himself in-but not before telling me where the other key is. Man these guys are smart. Two Galactic Grunts later VentusMKII has evolved into a Staravia and I have the Works Key, as well as a lot of Honey. I take 1 damage from the 2 Grunts in the base (better than the last 2, they didn't do any damage) and I'm facing Galactic Commander Mars, whose Purugly critical hits Infestatio for a kill. It also got a critical hit on Diluvium, although Diluvium surivived. Campum, who had been poisoned by her Zubat, barely holds on long enough to make it to the Pokemon Center. Frankly, I'd much rather Infestatio died than anyone else, because he really sucks. It would have been nice to have him against Gardenia, but I'm hoping VentusMKII can manage on its own. In Eterna Forest, the first Pokemon I run into are a Budew and a Cascoon, and I decide to catch the Cascoon. Unfortunately, Bellator gets a critical hit on it. That's really bad as a Dustox would've helped a ton agaionst Gardenia. After abusing Cheryl's healing to grind for hours I take no damage from anyone in Gardenia's Gym, including Gardenia herself. After the battle, a wild Barry appears! Wild Barry used Tackle! Barry assumes I want to see the Pokemon statue (now why would anyone want to do that?) and we see Cyrus there. After that, Cynthia gives me Cut, which I would have taught to Infestatio, but because he's dead I teach it to Campum and save.

Day 4
Using Cut, I head into the Old Chateau. The first Pokemon I find is a Gastly, which I catch and name Occulta because nothing else ghost-like translates well into Latin. After that, I set the time to night and challenge Rotom. After paralyzing it with Occulta's Lick I weaken it to red with Bellator's Seismic Toss (after a Foresight, of course) and I catch it with my first Nest Ball and name it Fulmen, for lack of a better name. Then I got extremely worried about Jupiter. From what I remember from my last playthrough of Platinum, Jupiter's Stuntank outsped and OHKOed or 2HKOed all of my Pokemon, and I was really overleveled last time. I also remember Skuntank's Night Slash hitting for a crit at least 50% of the time, but that's probably just my luck. I believe I won with 1 pokemon left, and it was almost to red. If that was a Nuzlocke, there would have been no recovering from it. I would have lost. And so, to stop that from happening, I grind. After a bunch of grinding I enter the Galactic Building and see Looker masquerading as a Galactic Grunt. He insults the intelligence of the Galactic Grunts then forgets what he said and repeats it several times. He then stands there and expects me to do everything. I thought the International Police were elites, not amnesia-prone slackers?

Day 5
Sorry I didn't do anything other than grind yesterday, I was really worried about Jupiter. After Bellator evolves into Machoke I face her. Fulmen OHKOs her Zubat with Shock Wave and now I face one of the hardest bosses of any Pokemon game. I send in VentusMKII to Intimidate it then switch in Bellator to resist the Night Slash. That's when I realize I overleveled a bit too much-Night Slash only does 8 damage. Skuntank uses Poison Gas and I OHKO it with a critical hit Revenge. Kinda anti-climatic, I know. I get a Togepi egg from Cynthia and a Bike from the Bike shop owner, then head down Cycling Road and catch a Gligar underneath it, which I name Scorpio. While training, I make a horrible mistake. A wild Kriketune using Bide lives two hits from Occulta while I wasn't paying attention and OHKOs it. If I had been paying better attention I would have sacrificed Campum instead or not gone for the second attack so that Occulta could survive. It was really close to learning Shadow Ball, too. In Wayward Cave I catch a Bronzor and name it Ferrum. I was hoping for a Gible but oh well. Then a Geodude Selfdestructs, killing Diluvium. I decide then and there that I will always run away from any Geodude or Graveler that I see regardless of whether I think I can KO them or not. I'm so distraught I can't continue right now. Maybe tommorow. Maybe not.

Day 6
Sorry that I didn't do anything the last two days, I was really busy and didn't have time. I get the TM Earthquake and get back to Oreburgh, where I unhappily swap Diluvium for Ferrum. I teach Scorpio Earthquake and he owns everything in sight, which is pretty nice. In Mount Coronet I find another Bronzor, so I don't bother catching it. I then run into Cyrus again (seriously, pretty big coincidence that I've run into him more time than I have badges...) and he tells me that he finds a world with emotion deplorable. In Hearthome City I discover my mom and Fantina are the best people in pokemon contests in the world, which I actually already knew since I faced them in master rank contests in Diamond. I then discover random people preventing me from leaving Hearthome for no reason (they don't even seem to realize they are conveniantly plastered in front of the gates...really original roadblocks they've got in Pokemon games) but I don't feel ready to face Fantina yet so I just grind a bit.

Day 7
During grinding a Bibarel gets a huge Rollout chain. I send in Fulmen and it goes to red. I panic, and, thinking someting will die, sacrifice Campum. I should have stayed in and Thundershocked it because I would have outsped. :( I take a Meditite out of my box that I caught but never nicknamed due to thinking I wouldn't need it. It's too low leveled to use so I visit Eterna and name it Fodder, becuase I doubt it will do anything more than that (or maybe be a hm slave if it's lucky). I decide to rescue Mira for the grinding opportunity so I go back to Oreburgh Gate to get Flash in the basement. I encounter a level 10 Golbat as my first pokemon there and decide on the spot to count different levels of caves as different areas just to catch it. Unfortunately, I overestimated its health as a Seismic Toss from Bellator OHKOs it after it hurts itself in confusion. Aww. I also get the Brick Break TM before leaving and I go to Wayward Cave. I find Mira and grind in the cave a bit by abusing Mira's healing. I intend to face Fantina today but don't have time so I just save Mira. Tomorrow my quest will actually continue.

Day 8
Today I actually face Fantina! Due to getting a bit of luck against her attempt at using confusion hax, I pull off an easy victory and Ferrum evolves into a Bronzong! Fantina seems to think I can make great use of a Shadow Claw TM despite the fact that none of my pokemon can learn it. Then I get my third battle with Barry (he managed not to tackle me this time, I think). Unfortunately, I forgot to heal up after the battle with Fantina, but he is very easy to defeat anyway. On Route 209 I get the Good Rod and use it to catch a water Pokemon on Route 209....a Magikarp. I name it Serpentis becuase it will evolve into a Gyarados, which is a sea serpent, then I get Eevee and name it Mutae (to be changed after it evolves) and consider using the water stone on it to make it my water type instead. Alright, so I chose Vaporeon. After evolving it using a Water Stone I dug up in the Underground I rename it Aquae. As I enter Solaceon Town Barry runs into me but chooses not to battle me...I thought when trainers locked eyes they had to fight? Whatever. In Solaceon Ruins I get some elemental evolution stones that I will never use, HM05 Defog, and soem psychic power upping items. That's all for now.

Day 9
You guys thought Falkner's Pidgeotto was hacked? I face a level 24 Rapidash on Route 210. Ponyta evolves around level 40. I then buy a dozen Moomoo Milks. On Route 210 I catch a Roselia that I doubt I will ever use. Once I get to Veilstone I decide to get the TM Ice Beam from the Game Corner for Vaporeon. In the Game Corner I find Looker, who claims he is investigating the Galactic Symbol on the slot machines. He's really just a gambling addict. I'm determined to get Ice Beam, but after I realize it takes OVER 9000!!! coins I decide to just get Blizzard instead. While I'm at it I decide to buy Thunder for Fulmen. I take on Maylene and beat her without any trouble. Afterwards VentusMKII evolves into Staraptor and learns Close Combat. Dawn requires my help to beat up 2 Galactic Grunts. Apparently she thinks we from some kind of dream team despite her pokemon being pretty bad compared to mine. Looker comes running, having just realized that there have been Galactic Grunts walking around like they own Veilstone, and Dawn insults him to his face. Quite funny, actually. I get Fly and teach it to VentusMKII. I head down Route 214 and catch a Geodude in Ruin Maniac Cave. On Route 214 a Goldeen Horn Drills Bellator. I kill the Goldeen that did it, but that wouldn't be enough for Bellator. I take a Roselia that I caught from the box and name it Vindicta, not after it but in honor of Bellator. I make my way through Route 213, 214, and most of Route 212.

Into the double digits now. I make it through the rest of Route 212 and head back to Pastoria. Barry challenges me before I enter the Gym but I OHKO all of his Pokemon. The it's Crasher Wake's turn. Fulmen Shock Waves his Gyarados for the OHKO. Against Floatzel, I use VentusMKII to Imtimidate it before sending in Ferrum to take the hit. I then hit it with a Confuse Ray, then a Hypnosis, then 3 Extrasensories for the KO, using Super Potions to stay alive. After that Quagsire is easily OHKOed from Vindicta's Giga Drain. After that a Galactic Grunt nukes the Great Marsh. I chase him down, beat him in a Pokemon match, and then let him walk away. Stupid Barry and Cynthia, interrupting me. Speaking of Cynthia, she gives me a SecretPotion to heal the Psyduck on Route 210. I do so and she gives me the Old Charm to be delivered to her grandma in Celestic Town, so I head there.

Day 11
I start the day by entering Celestic Town, then facing Cyrus. Cyrus forces me to switch around a bit but isn't that tough. After that I get Surf, which I haven't taught yet since I don't know whether to remove Brine, Aurora Beam, or Blizzard. I finally get around to getting a Razor Fang and setting the time to night so that I can evolve Scorpio. Since I have trouble deciding what to replace for Surf on Aquae, I decide to go back and get Ice Beam. I get some really amazing luck. First I get into a normal Clefairy bonus round, which usually has 3-6 rounds. I get 9 rounds. Then I get into a Ditto bonus round, which seldom has more than 1-2 rounds. I get 5 rounds. Then I get a shiny Clefairy round, which generally has 7-10 rounds although occasionally more, and I get....
2 rounds. Seriously. After an uneventful 2 rounds Clefairy bonus I get 7 rounds on a Ditto! I'm pretty sure that's a record. I then get bored and pay money for the rest of the coins I needed. I then go to Fuego Ironworks and beat everybody there, i catch a Gastrodon out front that I'll hopefully never use. I get a ton of items in the upper section of Floroma Meadow, then head to Canalave. I get another easy win against Barry and then I head to Iron Island to train. At the end there is a Shiny Stone so I can evolve Vindicta once I get there. Oh yeah, I got a Thunderbolt TM and taught that and Shadow Ball to Fulmen, then I got the Flamethrower TM, but no one could learn it...

Day 12
I start by continuing my training in Iron Island. I grind until everybody is level 45 not because I'm worried about Byron (I could probably beat him at level 40 without trouble) but because its so easy. I was tempted to grind everybody to level 50 but that would make the game too easy. At the end of Iron Island I get a Shiny Stone and use it evolve Vindicta, meaning my team is now fully evolved. Byron is pathetically weak-the strongest trainer in the Gym was actually an Ace Trainer with a Scizor, which almost managed to bring Aquae down to half with an X-Scissor. Byron, on the other hand, did no damage and all of his pokemon were OHKOed. Barry then brings us me to Professor Rowan. Rowan asks if we've fogotten what he's studies and we reply its just him. We then realize Barry never actually got a Pokedex because he ran away and Rowan was too lazy to track him down. Professor Rowan assigns us all to go to a lake to find the lake guradians and catch them, and, of course, just as he tells me I'm going to Lake Valor it blows up. I head to Lake Valor like a good boy and discover it was nuked by Team Galactic. Within the cave where Azelf once rested is the final Commander of Team Galactic, Saturn.He was definately the easiest to beat of the Galactic Commanders-he was no more trouble than Byron. Here I'm starting to worry that I am overleveled a bit too much. I head to Lake Verity and see Dawn pleading for my help against Mars. I decide to ignore her and try to go to Snowpoint City but some Grunts are blocking the way and muttering about Defog, completely not noticing the Galactic Slayer behind them. Now I know how Luigi feels! I then realize I completely forgot something-I can explore more areas south of Sandgem Town now that I have Surf! After doing that I use the Move Deleter and Move Maniac to replace Scorpio's Cut with Ice Fang. Then I remember to do something I should have done a while ago-the Lost Tower. After making it through the Lost Tower I finally head back to Lake Verity, and guess what? Dawn and Mars are still there, waiting for me. I beat Mars and that'll be all for now.

Day 13
Rowan asked me to go check up on Barry so I head through Mount Coronet to get to Lake Acuity. When I get there Barry has already obtained a Gym Badge and uses it to Rock Climb to Lake Acuity. I beat Candice without much trouble and go to Lake Acuity to find Barry has just lost to Jupiter. Jupiter pours some salt on his wounds, basically saying he'll never realize his dreams of becoming a Pokemon Champion, and she leaves. I head to Veilstone, rondevous with Looker, and tackle the Galactic HQ. After beating a bunch of grunts I finish off Cyrus with ease and he hands me a Master Ball. Seeing as how he plans to remove me from this world, I have no clue why he would do something that stupid, but I'm not complaining. I then defeat Saturn and free the Legendary Beings of the Lakes. Now I have to ascend Mount Coronet to take down Cyrus, but I have a problem. None of my main team can learn Rock Climb, so I'm going to have to bring a Graveler with me.

Day 14
Today I have a surprise for you: I have uploaded most of what I did today to Youtube! The videos are: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9URjw56rf_g and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1YfECLjEidk

Day 15
Didn't do much today, just sent Mesprit traveling around and wen tot Sunyshore. I went to Mount Coronet and grinded there a bit while getting the items I missed the first time through.

Current Team:
VentusMKII/Staraptor levels 6-51
Brave Bird
Quick Attack
Close Combat

Fulmen/Rotom levels 20-51
Shadow Ball

Scorpio/Gliscor levels 16-52
Ice Fang

Ferrum/Bronzong levels 18-51
Gyro Ball
Confuse Ray

Aquae/Vaporeon levels 20-52
Ice Beam

Vindicta/Roserade levels 20-51
Giga Drain
Sludge Bomb
Leech Seed

Ventus/Starly level 3-3

Infestatio/Kricketune levels 3-14
Fury Cutter
Leech Life

Occulta/Gastly levels 14-26
Sucker Punch
Mean Look
Night Shade

Diluvium/Prinplup levels 5-25
Metal Claw

Campum/Bibarel levels 3-21
Rock Smash
Water Gun

Bellator/Machoke levels 5-30
Low Kick
Seismic Toss
did you restart your platinum game or got a new one? didyou poketransfer them to your b/w game?
darkrai94 said:
did you restart your platinum game or got a new one? didyou poketransfer them to your b/w game?

I'm using a rom for this game since I didn't want to lose my Pokemon on Platinum and I don't have a second DS to trade/Poketransfer the things.

darkrai94 said:

i think you should just death foughter it

Sorry, but that's plain stupid. Why would I death fodder a perfectly good pokemon simply because it has bad matchups against one part of the game? And, its dead now anyways in a part that I haven't updated about...
darkrai94 said:

i would give vaporeon toxic over bite because vaporeon is not really a phsyical attacker.

Obviously in competitive battling that would be the case. Since this is in-game where you face many weaker opponent's toxic is too slow. Plus, I'm not even sure I have the tm.

darkrai94 said:
what about the pokemon center? are you only allowed to use it one time?

Tha's an optional rule that I'm not using.
Dark Void said:
I'm using a rom for this game since I didn't want to lose my Pokemon on Platinum and I don't have a second DS to trade/Poketransfer the things.

Sorry, but that's plain stupid. Why would I death fodder a perfectly good pokemon simply because it has bad matchups against one part of the game? And, its dead now anyways in a part that I haven't updated about...

Obviously in competitive battling that would be the case. Since this is in-game where you face many weaker opponent's toxic is too slow. Plus, I'm not even sure I have the tm.

Tha's an optional rule that I'm not using.

how do you play on a rom?
If you do another Nuzlocke, it should be on Pokémon Yellow. It'll be extra fun if Pikachu dies!