DylanTheVillan's Top 32 Masters Regional's Report! "Tyrogue the MVP"


Just Chillin
Regional Championships Autumn
Doswell, VA
Playing ZPST

Note to all readers: Tyrogue is a BOSS.

So… we(me, my mom, Jordan and Sam) leave at around 12:30pm on Friday. We fight through about an hours worth of traffic. We finally get to the Hotel and meet up with Mr. Mickey(FLL) and Michael. We test for a while, and after all of that testing, I’m up in the air about what I’m going to play. I was deciding between ZPST and MewLock. Finally, around midnight I decided on ZPST.

We show up to the Farm Bureau Center at around 8am, and we meet up with Gliscor and SWD. I check out the vender’s stand and see a Snivy plushie that I HAD to have.(snivy’s my favorite Pokemon. So I decide to make a few tweaks to my list, and for the heck of it, I’ll give you guys my list a little later. Anyway, the changes I made were CRUCIAL to me getting the results that I did. So around 10am, we get paired for round 1.

But first, the list:

Pokemon 15
4 Tornadus
4 Zekrom
2 Pachirisu
2 Shaymin
1 Cleffa
1 Tyrogue
1 Bellsprout

T/S/S 31
3 Juniper
3 cheren
2 Collector
4 Junk arm
4 dual ball
4 Catcher
4 Pluspower
2 Pokegear 3.0
1 switch

Energy 14
10 Lightning
4 Double Colorless Energy

Round 1 Jordan F. w/Blastoise/Floatzel/Lanturn

This game was drug out a little more than I would have hoped, but in the end, Zekrom having type advantage won me the game.


Round 2 Alexandra H. w/ ‘The Truth’( google’s Deck)

So this is where my last minute teching took into affect. Long story short, on turn one I catcher her only solosis after her playground, and I walk right into a Twins. She candies into Vileplume on T2. Lucky, I topdeck my new tech, BELLSPROUT. I use it and Inviting scent her Plume. She doesn’t have the DCE to retreat. I Hurricane it for 80. She gets the DCE, and hits me for 40 with Donphan. I use Bellsprout again to grab her Plume. She does not have the DCE, so I get the kill on the Vileplume. She goes in with Twins to get the other one…. And it’s prized!!! At this point we know it’s over, but with no Plume, the game was over.


Round 3 Nelson C. w/ZPST

I open Tyrogue and Zekrom, he opens Zekrom. I open and attach a DCE on Zekrom. I then proceed to hit him for 30. He uses PONT, but whiffs everything, so he passes. I then proceed to Pachi/shaymin for the game. GG


Round 4 Steven V. w/ ZPST

Basically, all I can say about this game is that he had an awful start and I opened really hot. I really just outsped him.


Round 5 Chris C. w/ ZPST/Zoroark/Bouffalant

This was about the closest game I played all day long. I’m going to make this short because I don’t remember a lot about it. In the end, it was 2-1 prizes in his favor, I had Zekrom fully powered, he had Tornadus with DCE, Tornadus with DCE and a Bouffalant with DCE. I knew that if I Bolt Strike, it’s over because of Revenge from the Affro Bull. I Juniper into 3 Pluspowers. I use them all to Outrage his Tornadus. He brings out Tornadus, plays Pachirisu with 2 energies, Junipers for the rest of his deck, hits Catcher, brings out my Cleffa and uses pachi to kill it. GG


Round 6 Spencer N w/ T-Tar

Well…. This is where the MVP comes in.

He opens Pichu, I open Tyrogue. I go first, gg.


Round 7 Kevin N. w/ Something Phanpy

Mvp was too good. I open Tyrogue, he opens with Phanpy. I use Juniper, hit Pluspower, Pluspower, Pluspower, Junk Arm. GG


Round 8 Goeffrey S w/ MegaZone

This one was really close too. Basically, when it was 1-1 prizes, and in the end, a catcher on an un-energied Zekrom and a Judge gave him the extra turn he needed to win( otherwise I would have had the game.) GG


An interesting note is that both times I played at the top Master’s Table(Round 5 and 8), I lost by one turn and had the win on the next turn.

So I already knew I was in Top Cut. The question was, who am I playing against?
The standings come out, and due to my calculations being wrong, I thought I was up against Steven V. again from round 4. But, when the pairings went up, I found out that I was up against Luke R. w/ MegaZone.


Top 32 Luke R. w/ MegaZone

Game 1:
This one was a crapshoot. I really just started poorly and didn’t even take a prize. So once he killed 3 Tornadus, I scooped to preserve time for the next rounds.

In this one, I ran hot like the sun. Long story short, I got a lot of KO’s with Tornadus, really fast; including a T-1 kill on a yanma.

Game 3:
This one came close. In the end, it was 3-1 prizes in his favor. However, I had everything I needed in my hand to KO his last Magnezone, but unfortunately, he judges me and I don’t get anything good. So I’m left to just bench all of the basics in my hand and pass. He plays Judge to even hands and snipe my MVP .

Great Games,


So overall, it was a good run. It was my first Top cut in something big as a Master, and also I got 2 Championship points and 7 Noble Victories packs. I pulled 2 N’s and 2 Eviolites’s( not the worst I guess.) But now it’s time for Props and Slops.

First Top cut in Regs as a Master
Getting C points and NV packs
Jordan making the Top 16( I’m writing this on Saturday night, so I don’t know how far he’s going to cut)
Booster Draft with NV tomorrow!
Junk Arms!!!!!!

^^ they make me sad.
Nothing much else.
Tyrogue is indeed a great card. I would have lost twice today and missed cut if my opponents ran Tyrogue. Congrats on going 6-2 in swiss; it was more than I could do, although I managed to make it through Top 32 :p

Nice looking list, too, although I would have gone a little heavier on Pokegear, Switch, and Juniper, and I'm not too big a fan of Cheren or Bellsprout, and maybe not the Collector.

Also, props for getting this up so fast. Good luck in the booster draft :D
Nice run, nice list, lots of things i wouldn't have done. MegaZone is such a wierd deck to play against with a Zekrom varient, right? It could go either way, i like it alot, so much fun and thinking going on during that match up. Did you see anyone playing Reshiphlo? That was supposed to be THE most played deck in this regionals format. This makes me want to go test the TZPS mirror more.
Thanks everyone, pulled a FA Cobalion in the draft, traded it for FA N after, and for getting 1st in the draft, pulled another FA Cobalion lolol.
Nice job on that. Tyrouge really is a beast. I'm pretty sure that at Worlds, the top two players in masters or seniors won because of Tyrouge.
^The top two players in Masters didn't even run Tyrogue, nor did the Seniors winner (although I don't know about the 2nd place guy) and it would have been a really bad card in either of the masters' decks since they ran Twins in them.
PichuJumpluffMaster said:
Nice job on that. Tyrouge really is a beast. I'm pretty sure that at Worlds, the top two players in masters or seniors won because of Tyrouge.

I think you mean Nationals.

Is that correct?