E3 2008- Spoilers Alert! :O


Pants on the ground...

Everyone knows that E3 is downright the biggest Video Game Convention out there, and everyone knows that the biggest Companies are there to show off there new Games. So then what would you like to see in this years E3? It doesn't matter which Company it is from, just speak your mind.

My Guesses
-Star Fox (For Wii)
-Kid Icarus (For Wii)
-Animal Crossing (For Wii)
-Rock Band 2
-Cool PS3/PS2 Titles.
-Announcements of Pokemon Gold or Silver (Probobly not =P, too late for that i think.)
RE: E3 2008- It's Just about here =]

I would say that they will announce Earthbound for the VC and more guitar hero IV stuff
RE: E3 2008- It's Just about here =]

Microsoft is on now, while Sony and Nintendo are tomorrow. MotionPlus was announced today, but they'll have a thing about it at the conference. Kid Icarus and AC has already been confirmed to be at E3.

dmaster out.
RE: E3 2008- It's Just about here =]

I would really want to hear about another Pokemon Wii title *prays it's not PBR2*

Or better yet, a G/S remake.

It's not too late for one, by the way. They have an opprunity after Platinum.
RE: E3 2008- It's Just about here =]

New Zelda.
I heard a rumor that TP wasn't the Zelda game that shows the wii's full "Zelda" Potential, and that is coming late this year, early next year.
RE: E3 2008- It's Just about here =]

d master342 said:
Microsoft is on now, while Sony and Nintendo are tomorrow. MotionPlus was announced today, but they'll have a thing about it at the conference. Kid Icarus and AC has already been confirmed to be at E3.

dmaster out.

I had just heard of MotionPlus a little while ago, Maybe it could be packed with a game. I'm thinking if they make a good First Person Shooter, or a Leagend of Zelda Game making it more 1 to 1 ratio or Kid Icarus's game more 1 to 1.

I have a Feeling that there will be a new Pokemon game coming to the Wii, but hopefully Gamefreak and the other Companies that Contribute to Pokemon have decency to make the game above avarage, not like it's passed games that hit the Gamecube or Wii to bomb, yet they still rake in money. *Preys it won't flop, blop, stink, etc*

Microsoft i see will be a front runner in the Post 2008-2009 Front runner in overall sales, and i don't see PS3 coming out anywhere but last, unless Sony has a Product or 2 up it's sleeve.

So much to say, but this is E3 =]
RE: E3 2008- It's here =]

Here is a link to a video that has something interesting about E3 beginning at 2:55....


Note: The main subject is a G/S remake, but that part still has a hint of somethign on E3 08.
RE: E3 2008- It's here =]

Hmmm that may pertain to Gold and Silver, very convincing, well, all we can say is to wait for tomorrow.
RE: E3 2008- It's here =]

Perhaps even Donkey Knog, if you heard the guy's comment at the end. One of the two, I'm oretty sure.
RE: E3 2008- It's here =]

If they remake Donkey Kong i'll go up to Miyamoto personally and slap him in the face, Why break a great classic? And why would they have that and the Virtual Console one? Plus there is nothing to remake on Donkey Kong.
RE: E3 2008- It's here =]

lets all pray for Halo 4!! jk We all know Halo 4 is very unlikely. G/S remakes would be cool. i'd imagine they'd announce Platinum for DS. i've heard rumors of a possible new Super smash Bros. That would be FTW! and for the best E3 Coverage, watch it on G4. G4 is ftw.
RE: E3 2008- It's here =]

Super Smash Bros just came out this year. The gap between melee and brawl was about 6-7 years. They wouldn't announce another one.
RE: E3 2008- It's here =]

Star Wars Battlefront 3!

Just kidding. We all know that will probably never happen. ;x
RE: E3 2008- It's here =]

Well Nintendo just went up, and they did OK, i hadn't watched the beginning so might have missed stuff... (*Darn i missed Animal Crossing) and they announced C.O.D. World at War so that will be cool (And hopefully not fail :O), GTA for DS is interesting. I was waiting for Kid Icarus but still no sign from what i watched. Overall i liked most of the products they showed.
I watched it live, it was interesting. That woman had a rather annoying voice, Iwata's English kinda surprised me, Miyamato's lack of didn't, The Mario theme on Wii music was cool, I actually want that animal crossing game, and consistent sales way after release FTW!

The lack of footage for anything Mario, Zelda or Pokémon was a bit disappointing, but not really surprising. At least we got the title for the new ranger game.
Animal Crossing was a big title and with future Voice Chat, I say Nintendo won E3. No Pokemon news? At least they had something on Ranger. Wii Music will be pure awesome, MotionPlus will be cool, GTA DS and Guitar Hero: On Tour sequel are cool too. No Kid Icarus. ;(

dmaster out.
I say it was one of the "Meh" years, no real good title, just new ones =[, i would have liked Kid Icarus and maybe a new Legend of Zelda Game =[