E3 2008- Spoilers Alert! :O

Oh, I forgot the Wii Sports Sequel. That should be cool with MotionPlus. Being a Nintendo Fanboy like I am, this is what makes me excited. Final Fantasy on the Xbox 360 excites me too. :O

dmaster out.
also with wii sports resort you get the jacket for the wii-mote and the motion accuracier.
i wish they would of announced new colours for the wii, i wonder what did happen to those colours of orange,red,green,black, and platnium/grey. :( i would have sold my wii-mote just to get a black wii mote and kept my white nunchuck. now that would have been styling:D but then nintendo would probably announce that you can't play with two seperate colours.)

if there would have been a new starfox i'm guessing it wold be like the on foot style.

they should make a SSBBversion2 and MKWiiversion2 so you can use the wii speak. and a great deal would be ship your old copies to nintendo get the ver2 for half the price (although tonnes of games would probably get lost then...another stupid idea by me/future nintendo:p)

i wanted to see the G/S remakes too but maybe they should bring gameboy and gameboy colours to the VC.

oh yeah i didn't see anything about mad world