E3 2013 Discussion Thread

And Nintendo haven't even had theirs yet! =O

Hopefully they don't bring cons...
I expected Fallout 4.

We get Mad Max.

That's a load of bullshit, Sony.

- USED GAMES ARE ALLOWED (loud cheering goes here)
- NO DRM (more loud cheering)
- "It won't shut off if it hasn't authenticated after 24 hours" (lolololololololol)
Rusty Sticks said:
- "It won't shut off if it hasn't authenticated after 24 hours" (lolololololololol)

gg wp Sony.

gg wp.

Edit: CONFOUND IT SONY HOW DO YOU EVEN. PS+ required for Online Play? That's ridiculouuuuusss. >_>
SotS said:
Edit: CONFOUND IT SONY HOW DO YOU EVEN. PS+ required for Online Play? That's ridiculouuuuusss. >_>

Yeah, that was a nice backhand announcement after the used games thing. :p

Final Fantasy XV, or something. I'm confused. ._.

Rusty Sticks said:
SotS said:
Edit: CONFOUND IT SONY HOW DO YOU EVEN. PS+ required for Online Play? That's ridiculouuuuusss. >_>

You misheard. PS+ requires online.

Tretton snuck it in by basically saying "So, the benefits of PS Plus include immersive online multiplayer; those of you that don't get it can still enjoy singleplayer experiences and online services." But eh, at least the service is cheaper and better than Xbox Live.

Also, $399. That's a definite advantage. :p

I just saw four threads and was like, "Uhhhhh. y."

(Off-topic, .gifs as signatures are the most distracting things ever. Took me a minute to type the above. xD)

Edit: Awww... It just occurred to me that I'll be asleep for at least five hours after Nintendo's Direct. Everything will already be discussed and everything. :<

Waking up late suuuuuuucks.

PS+ is required for online play.

Damn it Sony, you were so close, so close!

EDIT: PS4 is priced at $399. Despite the pay for online, this is the FINAL blow to Microsoft. GG XBoner

Anyway, the day wrapped up for me: Sony > Ubisoft > Microsoft > EA

EA had a couple good announcements, meh overall. Microsoft did have a _lot_ of games but the price and not addressing anything of the controversies was a let down for me. I liked Ubisoft's lineup of games for the second straight year and The Division is very Watch Dogs-esque which looks really good as well. Sony, just Sony. The ultimate troll and nail in the coffin for Microsoft. Also Kingdom Hearts hype and $399 is absolutely great. Nintendo will either be #1 or #2 depending on how much they disappoint a la last year (and I'm a huge fan anyway).

dmaster out.
I'm rolling in laughter.

Oh jeez.

The guys face. "Thanks."

So perfect.
Let's keep the discussion less spammy guys "Less Die XBOX, Trololololol" and more thought into these posts.

However, I will say once again XboxOne has let me down but I wonder how much did they really suck? Or is it people are so disillusioned with Xbox already that they didn't even give it a chance. I will note that the lack of "clearing up the mess" on Microsoft's part only further lets down fans. I haven't played a Playstation since PS1 and 2 back in the 90's and early 2000's. I don't want to get a PS4 but Xbox IS making it difficult for me to consider investing my money into it's console. A few highlights were The Elder Scrolls: Online coming to both systems and Halo 5. But otherwise it was pretty sad. I look forward to Nintendo's presentation if only for the Pokemon X/Y info but that's for another forum. Cheers.

- Ysmir
I gave XBox One a chance. Then I saw what the PS4 was like.
If I get an XBox One, it'll probably be for Halo 5 and Ryse.
Will you be able to play PS3/PS2 games on the PS4? I'm not too knowledgeable with Sony products so I'm asking you guys. Or is that information even out yet? I'd like to play the classic KH and KH2 on it if I get one. KH3 looks incredible.
I think that's more of a "Let's keep the discussion less spammy, SotS." Sorry, I got a bit carried away. =P

I don't think it's a disillusion at all. Xbone was already a pretty big disappointment at reveal, but there was nothing to compare it to. Now that there IS and it's, well, much better in almost every single department... It just fell flat on its face.

I am VERY disappointed with Sony's PS+ Online thing. I already subscribe, but it's the principal of it all. It's preeeety annoying and kind of makes me want to cancel my subscription now... But I'm a weak soul and free games Tuesday and yeah. So I probably won't, lolz.

Can't wait for tomorrow. Nintendo are gonna' have to step their game UP if they want to compete with Sony. Even if it means announcing something they didn't intend on announcing, they have to do something. Definitely don't see them "beating" 'em though, not at alllll.
I would say that Sony won E3, but lets not forget that 1. AC4 demo crashed 2. Need to pay for PS Plus in order to pay online 3. Nintendo hasn't gone yet

That's all I have to say for now.
Serperior said:
Will you be able to play PS3/PS2 games on the PS4? I'm not too knowledgeable with Sony products so I'm asking you guys. Or is that information even out yet?

I thought I had read somewhere a little bit ago that there weren't any backwards compatibility for the PS4 or the Xbox One. But they might have been rumors..so I don't know if anything has been officially announced for either.

I'd like Nintendo to announce a price drop for their Deluxe model to $300 if not tomorrow than in a couple months before the PS4 comes out. A cheaper PS4 is very enticing and it's only $50 more than the Deluxe right now. I think that would be nice for Nintendo and there would be $300, $400, and $500 price points for the consoles.

dmaster out.
That awkward moment when a demo crashes at E3.....awkward....

anyways, i'm still interested in nintendo's little shindig, but right now Sony's got this won for me.
Pretty sure there'll be no BackPat on PS4. Not through the traditional sense anyways, which honestly is kind of lame... But like dmaster said, rumors and all that jazz.

Also everyone type in xboxdone.com. Do it. Like... Now.
Ysmir said:
However, I will say once again XboxOne has let me down but I wonder how much did they really suck? Or is it people are so disillusioned with Xbox already that they didn't even give it a chance. I will note that the lack of "clearing up the mess" on Microsoft's part only further lets down fans. I haven't played a Playstation since PS1 and 2 back in the 90's and early 2000's. I don't want to get a PS4 but Xbox IS making it difficult for me to consider investing my money into it's console. A few highlights were The Elder Scrolls: Online coming to both systems and Halo 5. But otherwise it was pretty sad. I look forward to Nintendo's presentation if only for the Pokemon X/Y info but that's for another forum. Cheers.

There was no salvaging Xbox One's backwards policies unless Sony was doing it, and we now know they're not. The fact that they didn't bother explaining themselves just makes it even worse.

As for the game lineup, there was nothing really to write home about. Many of them were the usual generic shooters, sports, etc., the usual dudebro stuff. And none of them (with the possible exception of Titanfall) truly felt new or innovative. So basically nothing that would interest anyone outside of their core fanbase.
Killzone, Destiny, Second Son, Knack, The Elder Scrolls Online, AHHHHHH

I am bro-hugging Sony in my heart right now. Including Battlefront and MGS V, I don't think my wallet will recover this time. And there's still Nintendo!