DarthPika Team Hatter Jedi Member Mar 29, 2009 #21 Funny how people through the term "Global Warming" around with out having any idea what they really are talking about. The dorks who thought this up included.
Funny how people through the term "Global Warming" around with out having any idea what they really are talking about. The dorks who thought this up included.
Ampha-pwn77 |0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0| Member Mar 30, 2009 #22 Ok, I won't "Through" around Global Warming anymore. >.> Sorry, I wasn't trying to offend anyone with this topic, and since it's over and people obviously think it's stupid, could a mod lock this?
Ok, I won't "Through" around Global Warming anymore. >.> Sorry, I wasn't trying to offend anyone with this topic, and since it's over and people obviously think it's stupid, could a mod lock this?
R Ryuu7 Leaving pretty soon... Member Mar 30, 2009 #23 People are selfish. End of sentence,End of world. Right this should be locked.