Ruling Editable Deck Lists


Sea Maiden
Hey. I'm looking for those deck lists that they hand out at championships.

However, I have a small problem. XD My handwriting is awful, and it hurts my hands to even attempt to write neatly.

If somebody could help me find an editable decklist (preferably this one, because it's not event-specific), I'd be thrilled.
I'm pretty sure the judges are going to make you hand them, jus in case you decide to change at the last minute or your printer is really light. Or you could get someone else to right it for you.
Sorry if this doesn't help but, I really think you'll have to write it out either way.
Po-Po-Pocchama said:
What exactly are you asking for

Well, something like this, but less specific.

Andyman said:
I'm pretty sure the judges are going to make you hand them, jus in case you decide to change at the last minute or your printer is really light. Or you could get someone else to right it for you.
Sorry if this doesn't help but, I really think you'll have to write it out either way.

You have a point, but I'm definitely not the type to change at the last minute. Plus, I can print it out the night before the event. Luckily, my printer is good enough to not print in near-white. XD
If it's a POP tournement, you'll need to write it out on a peice of paper...sorry to say that.

Also your not allowed to change anything in your deck
Light Venusaur said:
If it's a POP tournement, you'll need to write it out on a peice of paper...sorry to say that.

Also your not allowed to change anything in your deck

Venusaur, I know I'm not allowed to change anything. I've been in championships before.

But, as for the writing thing, I'm pretty sure that it's legal to use a typed-up, printed-out list if it's accurate and from POP itself. After all, they wouldn't provide those for everybody if they didn't allow it.