Wi-Fi Trades Eduard's Player Thread [Have:ShinyShaymin] Shiny Charmander Wanted!

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Aspiring Trainer
Eduard's Player Thread

My Friend Code: Ask for it when necessary
MSN: E.d.u.x@Live.com
Platform: HeartGold


POKEMON FOR TRADE [Red means Shiny]
Mew - Lvl10 - Arrive at Lvl.10 - Hoen - From Japan GTS
Shaymin(s) - Lvl31 - Fateful encounter at Lvl30 - Flower Paradise - Japan GTS
Pichu(s) - Lvl30 - Fateful Encounter at Lvl 30 - Pokemon Event(SPR2010) - USA
Gyarados(s) - Lvl30 - Met at Lvl30 - Lake of Rage - USA

Celebi - Lvl54 - Arrived at Lvl10(2007) - Hoenn - Japan GTS
Jirachi - Lvl60 - Fateful encounter at Lvl5 - Pokemon Event(GAMESTP) - USA
Manaphy - Lvl23 - Egg App. Hatched - Pokemon Ranger - USA GTS
Deoxys - Lvl100 - Arrived at Lvl 100 - Kanto - USA GTS
Ho-Oh - Lvl45 - Met at Lvl45 - Bell Tower - USA
Giratina - Lvl48 - Met at Lvl 47 - Distortion World - USA
Raikou - Lvl40 - Met at lvl40 - Route38 - USA
Mesprit - Lvl50 - App. Met at lvl 50 - Route 218 - USA
Uxie - Lvl50 - App. Met at lvl 50 - Acuity Cavern - USA
Azelf - Lvl50 - App. Met at lvl 50 - Valor Cavern - USA
Cresselia - Lvl50 - App. Met at Lvl50 - Route218 - USA
Phione - Lvl9 - Egg Received - Route210 - USA

Treecko - Lvl11
Chikorita - Lvl1
Squirtle - Lvl14
Totodile - Lvl10
Munchlax - Lvl1
Empoleon - Lvl 64
Torterra - Lvl47
Typhlosion - Lvl52
Blaziken - 53

10 Aniv Celebi
Pikachu w/Surf
Shiny Charmander


Any Rare Event Items
RE: Eduard's Player Thread [Have:ShinyShaymin]

I went to your thread but I only saw cards? Or do you have a different thread?

I need with some terms.

What does it means TRU?

And 10aniv pokemons means they were cought 10 years ago right?

Also, how do I know if the poke I am receiving was cloned?

I read all the rules but didn't found anything concerning this matter. Thanks.
RE: Eduard's Player Thread [Have:ShinyShaymin]

Eduard said:
I went to your thread but I only saw cards? Or do you have a different thread?

I need with some terms.

What does it means TRU?

And 10anniv pokemons means they were cought 10 years ago right?

Also, how do I know if the poke I am receiving was cloned?

I read all the rules but didn't found anything concerning this matter. Thanks.

TRU means Toys R us (ex. event Pokemon, aka Rare Legendary Pokemon)

10anniv means they were promoting the 10 anniversary of Pokemon, they weren't released 10 years ago.

About cloned Pokemon, you can't really tell unless someone trades you the exact same Pokemon with the same date/OT/stats etc. You can however see if it was hacked via PBR/stat/move/OT/date/etc. checking.

10anniv Celebi (holding a MasterBall)
and random Pokemon

For Your :
Shiny Shaymin
and Ranger Manaphy

Let me know. I don't care if your Pokemon are clone but, I prefer that they are not I will let you clone if it is going to break the trade though. My Celebi is Legit and I say a MasterBall is worth about a Legendary so the trade seems pretty fair to me. PM me back please
RE: Eduard's Player Thread [Have:ShinyShaymin] EDITED

It depends on the second pokemon that I get.
RE: Eduard's Player Thread [Have:ShinyShaymin] EDITED

I don't think I would like to have any of those pokemons..

BTW, whats UT?
RE: Eduard's Player Thread [Have:ShinyShaymin] EDITED

Could you CML for your Red Gyarados?
RE: Eduard's Player Thread [Have:ShinyShaymin] EDITED

Eduard said:
It depends on the second pokemon that I get.

Celebi 10anniv + Ho-Oh from HeartGold


Manaphy Ranger + shiny Shaymin.
RE: Eduard's Player Thread [Have:ShinyShaymin] EDITED

I don't mean to bother you, but I already have Ho-Oh.. From HeartGold. :L

Edit: How about a cloned TRU Shaymin.. Grizzly? Then again, my Gyarados is not cloned.
I'd have to get the TRU Shaymin cloned. But I really don't think an event pokemon is equal to a common shiny.
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