• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Eelektrik and Friends


Don't Panic
And this is what my other friend is playing for States. He's never played before, so I'm trying to set him up with a good list:

Pokemon (15)
2 Mewtwo EX
2 Raikou EX
2 Thundurus
1 Regigigas EX
1 Zekrom
3 Eeletrik NVI
4 Tynamo NVI

Trainers (31)
4 Juniper
4 N
2 Bianca
2 Skyla
2 Colress
3 Level Ball
3 Pokemon Catcher
3 Ultra Ball
3 Switch
2 Skyarrow Bridge
1 Computer Search
1 Super Rod
1 Tool Scrapper

Energy (12)
3 Double Colorless
9 Lightning

It's a pretty standard Eels (except for the inclusion of Regigigas--that's a more personal touch). There are two open spaces that I'm not exactly sure what to put in. Any input is welcome. This is first tournament ever (and we're going to be teaching him to play tonight), so it would be good if he had a decent list.
+1 Eelektrik
+1 Double Colorless

You should have 4 Eels for consistency. In case one is prized etc...
4 DCE for Mewtwo, Regigags and Raikou.
DCE is good for Raikou because it doesn't discard the DCE after a volt bolt so you only need to give it 2 more energy for another volt bolt.
If you play 2 Raikou ex, you don't need over 2 catchers in a deck list.
As far as supporters, in my eels generically I go:
4 juniper
2 N
2 Colress
3-4 Skyla
2-3 Bianca
I burn hands in the first 2-4 turns, so Bianca/Juniper turnover is VERY common in my lists...
I also think that 2-2 colress/N split is fair in eels. Because in Eels you have in my opinion the only snowballing deck in the meta going both ways -