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Eelektrik Revenge


Aspiring Trainer
Hello everyone, my name is Remhouse. I'm a new member on this forum, so am I in real life with Pokemon Cards. I've started playing a few months ago, an after some little researchs on the Internet about certains Holos cards, I discover the whole metagame, the competitive play and the deck building strategy.

For my pokemons :

Pockemon EX attackers (4)

1x Mewtwo EX
2x Rayquaza EX
1x Raikou EX

Pockemon attackers (2)

1x Zekrom
1x Eelektros

Pockemon techs (9)

4x Tynamo
3x Eelektrik
1x Thundurus
1x Emolga

I'm willing to launch myself into competitive play as I have acquired some extra copies of the main core of the game actually. I've been thrilled with the Eelektrik's Dynamotor which I believe is strong enough to power multiple good attackers in my list such as Mewtwo EX, Rayquaza EX and Raikou EX. Those three covers three differents types of threats... Raikou can OHKO Pokemon on the bench with Volt Bolt, Rayquaza can deliver a blast of 240 for OHKO even EX with 180 HP and Eviolite for discarding 4 energy of a same type and Mewtwo is just there to have a good attacker that can set up rapidly and in response to Mewtwo EX. Mewtwo won't get that much play but still a good alternative when Raikou or another Rayquaza is prized.

I run 4-3 line on Eels... this will be forever, that's for me, the best setup that work. You need one more Tynamos to be sure to install 3 of thems on the bench and two or three Eels evolve them. Thundurus is a special tech, as it can T2 80 damage for a Disaster Volt. It discards an energy also, which is great for recovery by the Eelektriks as soon as possible. With 110 HP, 80 damage and some energy efficiency, I find it as a great starter to bring a relatively strong Pokemon that is a non-EX. Zekrom is there as an attacker for EX counters such as Sigyliph, Bouffalant. Emolga is just a nice way to set up your bench in a slow setup. He can ensure a full bench by T2 if you play Call for family.

Now, my supporters.

Supporters (13)

2x Cilan
4x Juniper
3x Colress
3x N
1x Skyla

A big surprise, Cilan. I discovered that bringing a lot of energy could be a great matchup with discardins cards. Having 1 fire energy and 2 lightning energy is a great way to set up ether Pokemon. With discards cards like Ultra Ball and Computer Search, it's a good way to set up 2 energy in the discard pile. Juniper is a good draw supporter as it provides discarding power though, which this deck rely on. Colress is a new Supporter that will slightly make his nest in the Tier 1. Drawing 1 card per pokemon in play (for an average of 7-8 Pokemon in play during entire game... it's a new PONT, in a different, but surprising way). N is also another useful card as it can disrupt the hand of the opponent and gives you N advantage on the opponent. Skyla is just a last addition that works well with finding the right card.

Trainers cards (18)

1x Computer Search
3x Level Ball
4x Ultra Ball
2x Eviolite
1x Tool Scrapper
4x Pokemon Catcher
2x Switch
1x Skyarrow Bride
1x Super Rod

Computer Search is simply perfect. 3 Level Ball and 4 Ultra Ball are good Pokemon searchers, providing Eels and some attackers with some ease. Plus discarding power from Ultra Ball, that's worth a good 4 spots. Eviolite is a good card for providing a last breath to a bunch of Pokemons. That means in a lot in winning or losing. Tool Scrapper is too counter any messy Items like Eviolite, Choice Scarf, Dark Claw, Rocky Helmet, etc... Pokemon Catcher is a great field power. Switch, you need not much of them with Skyarrow Bridge being played a lot, but grants some extra combos with Dynamotor and could extend the use of certains Pokemon who discard Energy such as Rayquaza, Raikou. The Super Rod gives a boost in recovery when some majors cards are out of play in the discard pile.

Energy (14)

9 Electric
5 Fire

For a total of 60 cards. I post this to have advice on deck building and helping me understands in a better way the metagame.
RE: Eels Revenge

Any advice ?!?! Help ?!?! Things that I should take in consideration to help off my build.
RE: Eels Revenge

I run Ray-Eels myself and my deck I feel is fairly consistent and good. I reccomend some changes to you pokemon. I believe there should be at least 3 Rayquaza becasue he is you main attacker. I highly reccomend taking out elektros. You definently need a better or more of a counter for Sigilyph so maybe more Zekrom. I also prefer Zekrom EX over Raikou EX. Also Thundorus is not a card you add in this deck. I personally feel this is the best list for the pokemon in this deck...
3 Rayquaza EX
4-3 Eelektrik (I run 3-3 you said you want 4-3 so it is your deck)
2 Zekrom (Keep Reading (1 Reshi and 1 Zekrom))
1 Zekrom EX
1 Mewtwo EX
1 Emolga (I do not run but you can if you want to)
Something else I have been trying to incorporate in this deck is a Reshiram. The basic non-EX Outrage one. It counters Klinklang well for me and it also strikes Sigilyph. So I might add it and only 1 Zekrom(not EX).

Next supporters. I think 3 Colress is WAY to many in any deck, maybe 2 for this deck, but I believe it should be a 1of in every deck. I am not sure you should run Cilan because it really is dead weight supporter early but it might help late so just have 1 if any. I love Skyla in my decks, I think every dck should have two. Leaving...
4 Juniper
3 N
2 Skyla
2 Colress
1 Cilan
So now the list is only 59 so I will have to add more cards in a second! :)

Items and Stadiums. This deck needs a minimum, in my opinion, of 2 Skyarrow bridge. Virbank is going around and all are running it! 1 skyarrow will get discarded fast.
+1 Skyarrow Bridge

I think 4 Ultra Ball is too many but I think 3 is perfect. Just because with 3 Rayquaza you wont need as many.
-1 Ultra Ball

I run an energy search in this deck for usage of Skyla to get an energy. Also I run 8 Electric Energy because of it and because you should be reusing them over and over again.
-1 Electric Energy
+1 Energy Search

I would run two Hypnotoxic Laser if there is space. Just to kill an EX with and eviolite on in one shot with 3 energy. Or to kill a terrakion with Zekrom. Or if the oppenet is ruuning virbank maybe kill an EX with Zekrom EX. It just helps alot in any deck.
+2 Hypnotoxic Laser
-1 Anything... Haha not sure maybe Catcher, Cilan, Switch, or a Tynamo

These are all my reccomendations for your deck. None of which are mandatory. Just giving my two cents towards your deck. Good luck with it and always make sure it fits your playing style! Hope I Helped! :D
RE: Eels Revenge

Remhouse said:
Hello everyone, my name is Remhouse. I'm a new member on this forum, so am I in real life with Pokemon Cards. I've started playing a few months ago, an after some little researchs on the Internet about certains Holos cards, I discover the whole metagame, the competitive play and the deck building strategy.

For my pokemons :

Pockemon EX attackers (4)

1x Mewtwo EX
2x Rayquaza EX
1x Raikou EX

Pockemon attackers (2)

1x Zekrom
1x Eelektros

Pockemon techs (9)

4x Tynamo
3x Eelektrik
1x Thundurus
1x Emolga

I'm willing to launch myself into competitive play as I have acquired some extra copies of the main core of the game actually. I've been thrilled with the Eelektrik's Dynamotor which I believe is strong enough to power multiple good attackers in my list such as Mewtwo EX, Rayquaza EX and Raikou EX. Those three covers three differents types of threats... Raikou can OHKO Pokemon on the bench with Volt Bolt, Rayquaza can deliver a blast of 240 for OHKO even EX with 180 HP and Eviolite for discarding 4 energy of a same type and Mewtwo is just there to have a good attacker that can set up rapidly and in response to Mewtwo EX. Mewtwo won't get that much play but still a good alternative when Raikou or another Rayquaza is prized.

I run 4-3 line on Eels... this will be forever, that's for me, the best setup that work. You need one more Tynamos to be sure to install 3 of thems on the bench and two or three Eels evolve them. Thundurus is a special tech, as it can T2 80 damage for a Disaster Volt. It discards an energy also, which is great for recovery by the Eelektriks as soon as possible. With 110 HP, 80 damage and some energy efficiency, I find it as a great starter to bring a relatively strong Pokemon that is a non-EX. Zekrom is there as an attacker for EX counters such as Sigyliph, Bouffalant. Emolga is just a nice way to set up your bench in a slow setup. He can ensure a full bench by T2 if you play Call for family.

Now, my supporters.

Supporters (13)

2x Cilan
4x Juniper
3x Colress
3x N
1x Skyla

A big surprise, Cilan. I discovered that bringing a lot of energy could be a great matchup with discardins cards. Having 1 fire energy and 2 lightning energy is a great way to set up ether Pokemon. With discards cards like Ultra Ball and Computer Search, it's a good way to set up 2 energy in the discard pile. Juniper is a good draw supporter as it provides discarding power though, which this deck rely on. Colress is a new Supporter that will slightly make his nest in the Tier 1. Drawing 1 card per pokemon in play (for an average of 7-8 Pokemon in play during entire game... it's a new PONT, in a different, but surprising way). N is also another useful card as it can disrupt the hand of the opponent and gives you N advantage on the opponent. Skyla is just a last addition that works well with finding the right card.

Trainers cards (18)

1x Computer Search
3x Level Ball
4x Ultra Ball
2x Eviolite
1x Tool Scrapper
4x Pokemon Catcher
2x Switch
1x Skyarrow Bride
1x Super Rod

Computer Search is simply perfect. 3 Level Ball and 4 Ultra Ball are good Pokemon searchers, providing Eels and some attackers with some ease. Plus discarding power from Ultra Ball, that's worth a good 4 spots. Eviolite is a good card for providing a last breath to a bunch of Pokemons. That means in a lot in winning or losing. Tool Scrapper is too counter any messy Items like Eviolite, Choice Scarf, Dark Claw, Rocky Helmet, etc... Pokemon Catcher is a great field power. Switch, you need not much of them with Skyarrow Bridge being played a lot, but grants some extra combos with Dynamotor and could extend the use of certains Pokemon who discard Energy such as Rayquaza, Raikou. The Super Rod gives a boost in recovery when some majors cards are out of play in the discard pile.

Energy (14)

9 Electric
5 Fire

For a total of 60 cards. I post this to have advice on deck building and helping me understands in a better way the metagame.

All I have to say is that I wish I had the cards to build that deck.
RE: Eels Revenge

I take your suggestions in note. But I still believe in certains ways that keeping Emolga is quite a good move to have 2 of them. He provides a pretty nasty option of setting 2 Basic Pokemons on your bench. Having 2 is to be sure that it is not prized. Plus, he's weak to the pesky Hammer from Landorus. As I say, I love Colress... WHY ? After 2 or 3 turns, the bench of the 2 players should be at least with a combination of 5 Pokemon and add the 2 in play, we talk about a 7 draw cards. She's in my opinion a very good supporter that can comes into play at any time. She's a PONT that works well under certains conditions that you should acquire pretty well with the Eels getting out fast, some attackers pretty soon and the combo with Emolga is just great.

Adding one Skyarrow Bridge he's something I like from what you brought and he's surely a good play. 3 Ultra Ball are enough... but I still prefer running 4 Ultra Ball and retreving 1 Level Ball... an Ultra Ball can give an Eel and any other Pokemon... and provides discard also... which in my opinion is better then Level Ball. I might add one copy of Hypnotoxic Laser, which is great to ensure some wide range attacks.

Reshiram is quite a good tech... As I run fire Energy.

And for Lugia123, do you think this deck would be good.
RE: Eels Revenge

Remhouse said:
As I say, I love Colress... WHY ? After 2 or 3 turns, the bench of the 2 players should be at least with a combination of 5 Pokemon and add the 2 in play, we talk about a 7 draw cards. She's in my opinion a very good supporter that can comes into play at any time. She's a PONT that works well under certains conditions that you should acquire pretty well with the Eels getting out fast, some attackers pretty soon and the combo with Emolga is just great.

First Colress is a man. :) Second what happens if you run 3 and thats the only supporter you draw at the begining? Maybe draw 4! I believe that a deck should never run more than 2. N and Juniper guarentee you at least 6 early in the game.

3 Ultra Ball are enough... but I still prefer running 4 Ultra Ball and retreving 1 Level Ball... an Ultra Ball can give an Eel and any other Pokemon... and provides discard also... which in my opinion is better then Level Ball.

I did not think about the discarding but I still would only run six balls. Wether it is 3 Level, 3 Ultra, or 2 Level, 4 Ultra. Actually I would do the 4Ultra and 2Level.

And Reshiram, I am still testing it but it seems to help. I tend to only use outrage cause cobalion cant OHKO it and then I OHKO it.
RE: Eels Revenge

Remhouse said:
As I say, I love Colress... WHY ? After 2 or 3 turns, the bench of the 2 players should be at least with a combination of 5 Pokemon and add the 2 in play, we talk about a 7 draw cards.

Colress doesn't take into account the active Pokemon, only the benched ones. In that scenario, you would draw 5 cards, not 7.
RE: Eels Revenge

SirkOnivaric said:
Remhouse said:
As I say, I love Colress... WHY ? After 2 or 3 turns, the bench of the 2 players should be at least with a combination of 5 Pokemon and add the 2 in play, we talk about a 7 draw cards.

Colress doesn't take into account the active Pokemon, only the benched ones. In that scenario, you would draw 5 cards, not 7.

Thank you and in the early stages of the game this card could let you draw 0 cards! I did not realize that you did not realize that.

Secondly, I have been testing and I prefer Raikou EX over Zekrom EX so do not switch those.
RE: Eels Revenge

Raikou ex is amazing in this deck! It works great with skyarrow allowing to retreat in and out very easily so it works great with rayquazza and eels its a fantastic card I would recommend using it
RE: Eels Revenge

I can only see Raikou EX helping in a matchup against Kyogre EX to hit for weakness since there's really not many popular Pokemon in the current format that are x2 weak to Lightning and Blastoise/Keldeo is x2 weak to Grass when there's not very many Big Basic Grass Types aside from Shaymin EX in the format right now.

It's a decent tech but you're going to be hardpressed against a deck that runs Sigilyph with Safeguard or regular Terrakion with Land Crush let alone Landorus EX which can potentially one shot Raikou with ease. If you're going to run Emolga for Call for Family then run Energy Switch, with Skyla and Computer Search it's fairly easy to get out unless it's prized.