• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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awesome sauce
{L} First off this is not eelzone so don't say put in magnezone{L}

4 zekrom
2 tornadus
3 eelektrik
3 tynamo
1 pahirisu
1 shaymin

2 pokemon communication
3 rocky helmet
4 eviolite
4 revive
2 switch
3 peofessor juniper
2 great ball
3 pokemon catcher
1 junk arm
3 pokemon collerctor
2 plus power
2 twins

8 {L}
1 rescue
Where are your Thundurus? that card really gives the deck the much desired early game pressure with a T2 Disaster Volt plus it helps with getting {L} energy into the discard pile. Also, Twins? FSL? Great Ball? and why so little {L} energy? i know the deck recycles energy but 8 is too little, plus the random Rescue Energy seems a bit redundant with Revive.

-2 FSL (Revive gets your pokemon back and Eelektrik deals with the energy)
-2 Twins (This is a speedy deck. This card doesn't fit here)
-2 Great Ball (This card is just horrible)
-1 Rescue Energy
-2 Eviolite (Far too many tools)
-1 Revive (3 will suffice)

+3 Thundurus (Reasons stated above)
+4 {L} energy (enough to ensure a T1 Charge plus you will need to manually attach)
+1 Pokemon Communication
+1 Tynamo (i find that a 4-3 line helps to better my chances at a T2 Eelektrik)
+1 Professor Juniper

It isn't perfect, but it's a start. I'm still quite unsure about Pachirisu being in the list, putting my fixes aside - you play 9 energy in total, and a 1/1 Pachi-Shaymin split. ZPST run 13-15 energy a 2/2 Pachi-Shaymin split and still pull off the T1 set up 50-ish% of the time. It would be easier to achieve a T2 set-up with Thundurus.
Well, first off, It really doesn't help. So many cards in the game just ruin your chances of getting nice cards, and your opponent shuffling them.

X Empoleon got the energy issue, you really should run some where between 12-14. I'm so confused with why you need Pachi? I'm also confused with Shaymin.

If it were me, I'd really suggest getting rid of them. They can help, but don't do much.

-1 Pachirisu
-1 Shaymin

+2 Electric energies.
Great Ball might give a pokemon from the top 7 cards of your deck, but it won't always be a pokemon you need. In a clutch situation where you need a specific pokemon to ensure a KO or ultimately win you game, would you rather use a card that guarantees you that pokemon (In this case Collector and Communication) or leave it upto chance?