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Eelektrikzone (Magnezone/Eelektrik)


3 Thundurus EP
1 Cleffa CoL
4-2-3 Magnezone TR
3-3 Eelektrik NV

T/S/S (26)
3 Rare Candy
2 Switch
4 Junk Arm
4 Pokemon Communication
3 Pokemon Catcher1 Super Rod
3 Engineer's Adjustments
4 Pokemon Collector
3 N

15 Lightning

Ideal start is Thundurus, attaching turn one and using Charge so by turn two, you can use Disaster Volt which knocks out many basics that I can catcher up. Also It helps me set up Lightning energy in my discard pile that can fuel Eelektrik's Dynamotor ability, setting up another Thundurus on my bench or fueling Magnezone's Lost Burn attack. I only tested this against a Reshiphlosion deck and it went 2-0 against it so I know this deck isn't too terrible. Cards like Junk Arm and Engineer's let me get energy in my discard pile faster. Please help, thanks! :)
Bump! Thinking about using N instead of PONT because I'll be able to magnetic draw for more! Please help! :)
I guess if it can beat reshiphlosion it isnt bad. I would put N in and mabey change super rod to FSL.

Test it against other decks too
Na, I don't really use Super Rod because 3 Magnezone get the job done, and I need NRG in the discard pile, not my deck.
- 2 PONT
- 1 Super Rod

+3 N

Also tested against Gothitelle/Reuniclus. Went 2/1 due to Gothitelle trolling in game 2, and only drawing energy. Still not bad. :)
N's definitely a good idea. I run a solid count of them in both my Magnezone decks. The late game disruption can be game breaking, imo.

On the other hand, I dislike Thundrous. Tornadus is the better option. It gives you a Donphan counter, and allows you to move energy to Magnezone while attacking. I get using Disaster Volt to discard, but I'd think Engineer's and Junk Arm would suffice for this. If you discard an energy you attach, then recover it, you're just breaking even, not accelerating anything.
I love Thundurus. It's the only starter that makes sense in this deck. Turn two 80 can give me a quick prize, and it's a great way of getting Energy to the discard pile. And with Engineer's and Junk arms alone, I would only probably get 2-3 NRG before I send up Magnezone. Thundurus will stay, but I won't deny Donphan laughs at this deck.
You might want to consider at least teching one Tornadus so you have an answer to Donphan, or a 2-2 Lanturn line since you already have an electric acceleration engine.
Lanturn is seeable but not tornadus. If your going to run a donphan killer run cyrogonal.

one water one colorless: 30+ If the defending pokemon is a fighting pokemon, this attack does 40 more damage.

It has 80 hp and is basic
Play Sage's Training instead of Engineer's adjustments.
You can get more energies in the discard and you don't have to have a energy on hand.
spacemarine2142 said:
Lanturn is seeable but not tornadus. If your going to run a donphan killer run cyrogonal.

one water one colorless: 30+ If the defending pokemon is a fighting pokemon, this attack does 40 more damage.

It has 80 hp and is basic
Tornadus is a basic and has 110 hp. It allows you to move energy to magnezone as well as solid damage. It actually has stats outside of donphan as well. You also don't have to tech in {W} or rainbow. Tornadus is not necessarily a donphan killer, but a donphan counter.
pokemonjoe said:
Tornadus is a basic and has 110 hp. It allows you to move energy to magnezone as well as solid damage. It actually has stats outside of donphan as well. You also don't have to tech in {W} or rainbow. Tornadus is not necessarily a donphan killer, but a donphan counter.

Don't forget it's Fighting Resistance.
N is definitely a good idea in this deck for hand disruption later in the game, but Judge is better for earlier on in the game so I think judge is definitely a great addition to this deck. Sage's should also be added in instead of Engineer's adjustment because it gets stage 2 and 1s better and discards energy better.
I run pretty much the same deck, but I'd make a few changes:
- 1 Thundurus
- 2 Lightning NRG
- 3 Engineer's Adjustments

+ 1 Terrakion
+ 2 Fighting NRG
+ 3 Sage's Training

I'd do this fix:

- 3 Thundurus
- 2 Lightning
- 1 Pokemon Catcher

+ 3 Tornadus
+ 3 DCE

Donphan is not dead in this format, I don't care what anybody says.
Card Slinger J said:
I'd do this fix:

- 3 Thundurus
- 2 Lightning
- 1 Pokemon Catcher

+ 3 Tornadus
+ 3 DCE

Donphan is not dead in this format, I don't care what anybody says.

Thundurus is still needed to discard energies and to be a starter, so I wouldn't cut all of them. Just 1 is fine, but only 1-2 Tornadus is needed in my opinion. Only about 1-2 DCE is needed, but not 3 because I think that it will not help out unless it is later in the game when nearly all the lightning energies are Lost Burned.
Jirachi said:
Thundurus is still needed to discard energies and to be a starter, so I wouldn't cut all of them. Just 1 is fine, but only 1-2 Tornadus is needed in my opinion. Only about 1-2 DCE is needed, but not 3 because I think that it will not help out unless it is later in the game when nearly all the lightning energies are Lost Burned.

Donphan will eat this deck alive, If you start with Thundurus and you're playing against something like D&D and they get 4 Donphan's out on Turn 2 or 3 which can happen with a 1st or 2nd turn Collector then you're pretty much screwed unless you have Tornadus, Cryogonal, or an EX Pokemon out that can absorb the damage like Zekrom EX or
Mewtwo EX.
Yes I agree that dolphin is dangerous to this deck but not many decks that you will face will have donphan as the main attacker except Donphan/Dragons or Donchamp but Mewtwo will keep Donchamp in check. With donphan dragons you use the catchers to bring the already damaged dragons out for a OHKO. With terrakion, it is wise to catcher them out when they have no energies attached to them and then let them attach about 1 energy and then OHKOing them.
-3 Engineer's Adjustments

+3 Sage's Training

This is just a trainer's opinion choice, but I think Sage's is the better way to go. You can discard up to 3 energies using one card instead of 1 energy.
So, with the release of Prism Energy (can be helpful towards ANY tech that you're putting in basically), would Kyurem EX be a valid tech in this deck? Obviously his first attack isn't the OHKO like cryogonal but has 100 more HP than cryo and CAN hit a lot harder. His first attack, given you have a prism in hand is still a one turn setup, if you're running eelzone properly. I am more so asking for opinions about him as a tech instead of Cryo/Torn.
I think Cryo/torn are better techs than Kyurem EX because kyurem needs too many energy to attack, and if kyurem is knocked out the opponent takes 2 prize cards.