There are a few cards that may see high level competitive play in this set:
-Spearow has potential if we get a really strong Fearow or Fearow-ex before it rotates... which I don't see happening.
-Alakazam ex can be a fun anti-meta deck with cards like Klefki and the new Mimikyu, especially if it gets something like Leafy Camo Poncho for ex's, a doll-type of item, and even stronger lock abilities like Neutralizing Gas. For now it's probably just going to be a rogue deck that can steal wins from better decks, and not actually a tier 1 or 2 kind of deck.
-Aerodactyl can be decent in Zoroark, specifically once V's rotate and stage 1 and 2 ex's all have weaker pre-evolutions... wait but then Zoroark will also rotate.
-Mew ex might see play in Gardevoir ex... maybe.
-Erika's Invitation will replace Manaphy and Water Energy in control decks. Very strong when paired with Echoing Horn (specifically in Standard that has no item card like Captivating Poke Puff). So far this is the only card that will absolutely see high level competitive play from this set, but it will be in a deck that's not commonly used in the meta.
-Cycling Road may see play in something like Gardevoir that likes to dump basic energy.
There have been some other good Kanto cards in the recent past too, such as Fusion Strike Mew and Radiant Charizard, which have seen play from their release up to current day. That said while I get that not every card can be top or even high tier material, yeah it feels like most cards are almost intentionally gimped/underpowered... but that's something that hasn't changed in decades, and I don't think that's gonna change anytime soon if ever.