• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Eevee Donk

Tyler Z


4 Eevee CL
4 Uxie LA
4 Crobat G PL
4 Unown Q MD


4 Collector
4 Poke Drawer
4 Plus Power
4 Expert Belt
4 Poke Blower
4 Junk Arm
4 Dual Ball
4 Seeker



2 Grass Energy
2 Fire Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
4 Recover Energy


Do MORE Work, and go for the turn one win with Eevee, do as much damage as you can.
RE: Regigigas/Charizard G (States, Masters)

That is not an adequate strategy. >_> Fix it up or this will be locked.

dmaster out.
RE: Regigigas/Charizard G (States, Masters)

I edited the strategy

bump! i still need help with my deck
This deck needs some work in order to actually do work.

A good start though.

What the point of grass and fire energy?
Well, since Eevee can attack with any energy, and since grass and fire Pokemon are my favorite I felt it couldn't hurt to include them.

I guess bring this deck to league with you next time, and I will help you out.

I can help you out on this deck to make it a bit more competitive.
YAY EEVEE!!! Ok that I got that out, there are a few changes to make. I would personaly add some cyclone energy to mess up opposing Spiritombs. other than that, I say GO EEVEE!!!!
Switch some energy (recover) with Cyclone enrgy to get around spiritomb, enabling a donk.

Which Eevee?
SSU and Poke Turn would really help, and I'd just ditch Eevee and most of the energy and go straight Uxie Donk if I were you. Eevee doesn't bring much of anything to the table.