Pokemon Eevee-lutions

The Eeveelutions's problem IMO is that every one of them looks pretty much the same: quadruped, long ears and tail. Why not making the next Eeveelutions Pokemon entirely different? Can't the next one be lets say Steel type and it will stand on its tail or a Flying one which will grow wings instead of ears?
I don't want to see more Pokemon like Eevee that can evolve into several options. I think that Eevee is enough.
There is a good chance that Eevee will have new evolutions in gen 7 if that gen will be our next "evolution focused gen" like gen 4.
Gen 6 was the next evolution focused gen. Megas, m8

I don't know what the OP means about some types having two, though. Is he thinking in TCG types?
I mean focused on normal evolution. Mega evolution is entirly different and I can't see them making Mega evolution for each eeveelution.
Mitja said:
heck I can imagine a pokemon based on a sleep disorder and nothing else.

It already exists, It's called Snorlax.

scattered mind said:
I can't see them making Mega evolution for each eeveelution.

The don't have to, only one or two would be fine. Just because one evolution gets a mega doesn't mean the others have to. This kind of thing has already happened with other branched evolutions. Glalie and Slowbro have megas, but Froslass and Slowking don't. Before ORAS, Gardevoir had a mega, but Gallade didn't.
We should remember that all hypothetical conversations that start with one branched Pokémon from a branched evolution having a mega and yet the other(s) does not should always end with the words at least not yet. Anything is possible, X2/Y2/Z may bring us megas for just about anything. To say nothing about any further games, and as ORAS prove even remakes aren't immune to introducing new megas.

I think though that if they were going to make megas for eeveelutions they should find a way to make them dual type. Maybe a mega Leafeon that has poison ivy like vines and leaves around it's body, making it Grass/Poison (not a rare type combination I admit) for example.
It is actually a good idea to cover the rest of the types instead of making new ones.
But they won't be able to cover all of them with only 8 Mega-eeveelotion. ( 2 types would be left )