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Eeveelution deck (unlimited format)


Aspiring Trainer
4 Eevee (2 from MD, 2 from UF)
2 Espeon (1 MD, 1 UD)
1 Umbreon MD
1 Vaporeon MD
1 Glaceon MD-5
4 Pidgey RG
3 Pidgeot RG
4 Dratini TR
2 Dragonair TM
1 Dragonite LA

23 Pokemon

2 Interviewer's Questions
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Sage's Training
2 Team Rocket's Trickery
3 Rare Candy

11 Trainers/Supporters

4 Double colourless energy
9 Water Energy
9 Psychic Energy Energy
4 Darkness Energy (basic)

26 Energy

The strategy is to get all my Eevees out ASAP and start evolving them. Half the Eevees search out the other 3 and the other half can search and evolve themselves. Umbreon and Espeon support the team with bench support while the other Espeon can move my damage to the opponent. Vaporeon and Glaceon can stall and deal damage. Pidgeot is there for searching and Dragonite family provides more searching/Power.

The trainers are there to draw cards and recycle them.
Might wanna add a few more search cards like guarantees, cards like collectors, bebe's, roseannes, etc. Those Rocket trickery kinda stuff actually lets you draw but not a specific card you want.
CatreBird said:
Might wanna add a few more search cards like guarantees, cards like collectors, bebe's, roseannes, etc. Those Rocket trickery kinda stuff actually lets you draw but not a specific card you want.

Well I just got into the game and don't have any other draw cards but if I see any I'll try to get more.
Blaine'z Quiz #1, Mary, Erika, all of them are super draw cards. they're Stapes inany unlimited speed deck
Not enough trainers to get you set up quickly; with only 5 eeveelutions in an unlimited deck you can have the four you want out easily with the draw power of the format. Pokemon are not draw power in Unlimited, trainers are; focus your attention that way.