*Alice's eyes start to glow green and then she sees Shades life-pattern. She looks confused but follows the life-pattern and then ends up were the espeon and Shade are. She growls and slashes the espeon with Light Blade*
"Leave him Alone!"
*She Slashes the espeon again with Light Blade*
(No, this is an illusion of the Original Shade.)
*Shade slowly begins to wake up. OShade begins to vanish.*
OShade- "Until we meet again, my friends."
*He vanishes. Shade wakes up and runs over to Alice.*
Shade- "Mommy!"
*One by one, the group nods and follows Alice home. When they arrive, Bell yawns and lies down. Shade climbs on top of her head, curls up, and falls asleep. Alice shakes her head and falls asleep. MysticWater kisses Shade's head and goes to sleep.*
Alice- "Goodnight guys..."
*Shade stays asleep, oddly enough. He falls off Bell's head and lands in front of her, but still doesn't wake up. Bell looks at him, concerned.*
Bell- "Shade? Are you okay?"