Finished Eeveelution RPG

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OShade- "... How are you kids so smart?"

*Moonlight walks over to the beds.*
Moonlight- "Is it alright if I sleep for awhile? I'm kind of tired after escaping..."
Shade- "Of course. Actually, I was going to go to sleep too."
Solaria- "But you just got up-"
Shade- "Yes, thank you Solaria."
*Moonlight lies down. Shade curls up around her.*
Eclipse shugged ande looked at Shade."But if he is you, can he be one of the three?"

MysticWater looked at them. She walked up to them and laid down. She curled her tail around then, smiled, and drifted to sleep.
*Alice wakes up and looks at Moonlight then at the cresant moon shape on her head. Shrugs and walks out of the cave. She walks over to the lake. out of the corner of her eye she sees a flash of silver. She jumps around with a light blade in her hands. She only sees a dark shape with horns and a dager like tail. It dissapeard right when Alice saw it. She shrugs thinking it was an ilusion and walks back to the cave and sleeps*
*Shade opens his eyes and looks around. OShade appears.*
Shade- "Hey."
OShade- "... You do know that-"
Shade- "Yeah, yeah. You explained this to me. Alice isn't my mother, MysticWater is my love, blah blah blah. But the thing is, YOU love her. Not me. And... I think I like Moonlight."
OShade- "You just met her."
Shade- "So what? You had just met MysticWater when you fell for her."
OShade- "... Fine. When your memories are returned you'll realize how much you love her."
Shade- "Unlikely."
*Shade curls up around Moonlight again and falls asleep.*
(Ok guys Zig is uses her DSI so i will be posting for her)

*OShade shakes his head and vanishes.*

*Moonlight hears the whole conversation and smiles a little, but then frowns when she hears that she is sopposed to realy like MysticWater*
*Bell laughs to herself as she hears the conversation. Shade opens his eyes as he feels and hears Moonlight sigh.*
Shade- "You okay?"
"ya im fine"
*looks at Bell then frowns*
*Lays back down and closes eyes*
*Shade whacks his forehead as he realizes that Moonlight was probably listening to his conversation. He curls up around her and falls asleep. A few hours later, he wakes up but remains where he is.*

*Alice gets up again and walks outside. She walks over to the lake and looks in it watching all the fish pokemon swimming*
*Moonlight gets up and walks outside also and sees Alice. She watches Alice just sitting there looking at the water then walks over to her.*
*Alice smiles*
Alice: "Hi there"
*Moonlight smiles to*
Alice: "You like Shade dont you?"
*Moonlight blushes then nods*
Alice:"Moonlight you have to remember that once he remembers everything he will go back to you cant love him to much or it will break your heart"
*Moonlight sighs but nods*
Moonlight: " Ya i know"
*After talking for about an hour they go back inside and go to sleep*

(lol remember this is zig writing this on her DSI :p )
*Shade gets up and looks around. He looks at Moonlight's sleeping figure and smiles. He kisses her cheek and starts down a path.*
OShade- "And where do you think you're-"
Shade- "Save it."
*Shade finally reaches a wide, open field. He looks around.*
Shade- "I've never been here before..."
???- "You have, you simply do not remember it. Just as you do not remember me."
*Houndoom steps out of the shadows.*
Shade- "... I'm guessing you're the houndoom that hurt Moonlight?"
Houndoom- "Correct. And you're coming back with me to Altair."
*Shade bolts through the field, Houndoom right on his tail.*
(And this is me writing this :p )
*Alice wakes up and looks around but does not see Shade. She looks outside but does not see him. Her eyes glow green and she sees his Life-Pattern and runs after him. She ends up at a field and sees the Houndoom. She growls and gets out Light Blade*
"What are you doing here?"
Houndoom- "My job!"
*Shade bolts past Alice towards the base.*
*Shade leaps into the base and gets in front of Moonlight protectively. Houndoom pads up behind him.*
Houndoom- "Give me the girl and I will let you go free."
*Shade forms a Shadow Blast in his paws.*
Shade- "Over my dead body."
Houndoom- "That can be arranged."

*Moonlight wakes up and looks startled at whats going on around her. Then she sees the Houndoom and growls.*
Moonlight: "What do you want with me?!"
*Alice bolts in and grabs the light blade and hold it to the Houndooms neck*
Alice Growls: "Leave NOW"
I guess I'll just join in so... here it goes.

Just then a large discharge of electricity shocks all three of them and paralyzes them.
Then a small shadow speeds past them into the cave. And come out holding a sleeping moonlight.
"Shh.. you'll wake the baby"

Zigoratt said this
*Shade stares at the jolteon in disbelief. The Houndoom growls.*
H- "I'll be back... for all of you!"
*Houndoom vanishes. Shade begins shuddering. Suddenly he shakes off the paralysis and leaps at the jolteon. He snatches Moonlight and gets away from him. He looks at Moonlight, who is shivering in fear.*
Shade- "Moonlight... I will never let anything happen to you. As long as I am here you'll be safe. I promise."
*Moonlight smiles and hugs him.*
M- "Thank you, Shade..."
*Shade turns towards the jolteon.*
Shade- "And who are you?"

And I say this:
My name is Bane and I need that eevee
Because there is quite a bounty on that pest.
Wait.. You are? Haha And you my friend have an even higher bounty.
*Bane rushes forward and uses volt tackle on Shade. Then Bane picks him up while Shade is unconcious and dashes off leaving the houndoom to get a helpless moonlight standing in the open.
Moonlight- "SHADE!"
*Shade growls in annoyance at bane. He throws a Shadow Blast at him and wiggles free.*
Shade- "I am giving you one chance, stranger. Leave now and your life will be spared."

"You insolant little brat! I'd kill you and your little friend right now but I need you for the money"
"Soo.." *Then he notices the other eeveelutions getting up.*
"Shade, do you know who your true parents were? And what happened to them? Even OShade doesn't know that. But I do, and you probably want to too. So come meet me when you want to know who you really are. And together with my master we can reshape your life. We can get rid of OShade, then you will be free to make your choices. YOu won't have anything made, or planned out for you. YOu would have a free will, So meet me tonight again here if you want to do that."
*And with that, he dashed into the forest.

*Shade heads back to the group, thoughts buzzing in his head. He tells no one of the conversation, simply that Bane left. He goes through the day emotionlessly and curls around Moonlight when night rises. When he's sure everyone's asleep, he takes his sword and puts it on his back. OShade appears.*
OShade- "Shade, you don't have to do this."
*Shade ignores him and goes to the meeting spot.*

Me: "Bane waited silently as he saw Shade approach.*
"Smart choice, now we can't have anyone following us so put on this necklace"
*Shade and Bane each put on a necklace.*
"These necklaces practicly erase us from earth" explained Bane.
"They make any trace of us dissapear making us unfollowable"
So Shade rode on Bane's back as they walked through the night to Bane's master and suppsoedly, Shade's free will.

Again if anyone wants to post too, please do but make sure your up to date on everything.
OShade- "Shade! Think about what you're doing!"
Shade- "I have."

"So it is true, you do have a natural Soul Splice in you"
"Anyway were here Shade"
*They arrive at a huge fortress in the middle of the desert.*
*Just then a huge door opens in front of them*
*And then they're escorted inside by 4 tyranitars in red armour as they march torwards the center tower.*
*They walk up the steps to find a Shiny Umbreon sitting in a chair*
Umbreon:"Hello Shade"

OShade- "Think about it. Does he look like someone you can trust?"
*Shade ignores him.*
Shade- "How do you know my name?"


U-"Let's say were related."
"Follow me"
*They all walk torwards a circular room*
"Now step inside please, and you will be free at last, isn't that what you wanted?"
Shade- "... I'm... I'm not sure... Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful for what you're offering, but now that I think about it I realize that this may not be what I REALLY want."
*OShade breathes a sigh of relief.*
OShade- "Come on. Let's get out of here..."
*They head for the door.*

Just the the door slams shut before they could leave the circular room.
*Then the tyranitars grab Shade and throw him into an enclosed room.*
U-"Never walk out on me you fool!"
*Then he pulls a lever causing a huge lazer to come down onto Shade*
A huge light fills the room and when it fades, 2 pokemon are in the room.
Shade and OShade.*
*Umbreon pulls another lever causing the room to split in two. One side with OShade on it and the other with Shade*
Shade's side opens up and the Tyranitars come in and grab him.*
U-"Throw him out of the fortress! Good luck getting home Shade"
*Then the tyranitars throw him out with the gates shut behind him with him lost in the desert.*

*Shade growls.*
Shade- "I should've known..."
*He rips off the necklace and sends a telepathic message to the only team member thats awake: Bell.*
Shade- "Bell! Help! I'm trapped in the desert! Get here as fast as you can."

*OShade growls at the umbreon.*
OShade- "Who are you?!!"

U- "I am Veran" "Your older brother"
"You remember the day when our parents died don't you? It was me who started the fire which should have killed all of you" "But mom and dad saved you and Solaria and they would've saved themselves too if I hadnt trapped them inside."
Veran- And now I shall be rid of you. "Full thrust!"
*As he said that a huge energy beam came down and struck OShade*
Veran- Now you are completely immobile. And soon your friends will share your fate too.
*And everyone left leaving a helpless OShade frozen in time and space.
Veran- "Now Bane, here is your pay" But could you help me 1 last time? "And if you do I won't send my army to destroy you.
Bane: "Deal"
Veran: "Lead my army tot he other eeveelutions, but then let them fight you go and find Solaria my sister.
Bane: As you wish-
Veran "And don't kill her, we don't want another Soul Splice
*Then Bane marched out the door leading and endless army of trained pokemon out into the desert on a mission to kill any resistance in its way including Shade.
*Shade turns invisible and sneaks past the army. He finds the room and sees OShade.*
Shade- "I'm going to get you out soon... but first I need to find Veran."
*Shade searches for Veran, finding him in an empty room. Shade draws his sword (yes, a regular non-shadow sword) and turns visible again.*
Shade- "Hey, bro."

Me: Veran- "Shade?!"
*Just then two of his guard tyranitars came over and mega punched Shade*
Veran- "Welcome back, but before I make sure your killed tell me how you knew were related, and I'm also suprised that you came back to save OShade rather than Moonlight and all the others, for the will not be spared my fury!"

Shade- "Telepathic link. And if I kill you and Bane, no more army. By the way..."
*Shade grins mischievously and transforms into a shadow. His shadow darts behind Verda and he reappears, holding his sword to Veran's throat.*
Shade- "Read up on your family history next time."

*Veran's head looks as if he turns 180 degrees backward to face shadow*
Veran- "And maybe you should wake up from your nightmare" he says as he turns into dust. Then Shade starts to dream of the army killing Moonlight and Bell and everyone else, and him unable to save OShade has he's killed for good. *But while that was happening Veran carried him outside then he gave Shade to a fearow who carried him to Bane, and the army.
*Shade stirrs.*
Shade- "N... Nightmare...?"
*He wakes up.*
Shade- "Hey!"
*Shade takes his sword and plunges it through the fearow's chest.*
*Shade lands on the ground. He sends a telepathic message to the entire team.*
"Shade!?" MysticWater hopped up and then nodded. She went to wake up everyone."Come on!" she yelled. Star, Eclipse and Solaria started to wake."We must go!"Just then, MysticWater's body started to thin until she was partly transparent.
*Alice stirrs but doesn't wake up. Bell snaps awake. Moonlight slowly gets up and looks around.*
Bell- "What's going on?"
Moonlight- "Huh...? What's *yawn* happening?"
Alice- "Zzzzz..."
MysticWater closed her eyes for a few sceond and then she was normel again. She seesa Alice sleeping and uses Hydro Pump on her."We have to GO!!"
Alice- "Ow! MysticWater, what is your problem? You'd better have a good reason for waking me up this early..."
Moonlight- "What's wrong?... Wait... Where's Shade?"
"I don't know, but we have to go!" Star and Eclipse nodded and rushed out of the cave."If we lose Shade," whispered Star,"The prophecy might be able to come true!!"
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