Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(I'm back sorry I was gone so long)

But before he could finish some kind of shadow glows around his eyes.
*Just then OShade's body stands up as if nothing ever happened*
But then he says "Do not follow me."
Finally he steps backwards to meet a hurt Bane.
Bane-"He is our's now, a little pet under Lord Veran's spell. The room he was in was slowly taking over his mind. But even though Solaria is not our yet, we will rule over this world. The battle is far from over."
With that OShade started to glow and then dissapeared with Bane.
"It's because the world is unstable and.."The glowing stoped and she was a Umbreon."Because I'm part Umbreon."
(I before when MysticWater evolved, she evolved into part of a Umbreon too. Zig should know this)
MysticWater sees that everyone is looking at her."When I evolved, I evolved as partly a Umbreon too. Evey so often when I go vist the StarClan, I become a Umbreon. But I can also do it at free will."
(All i know is that OShade wuz kidnapped and MW went Umbreon on us)
Shade- "No! OShade! GAAAGH!"
*Shade punches a large piece of rubble. The rubble shatters. His hand is broken and dripping with blood.*
Shade- "Why can't I ever save ANYBODY?!!!!"
Alice: "Shade you probably cant remember this but you have saved us all in the past dont say that you can never save anybody*
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