Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*OShade looks at MysticWater, concern on his face.*
Shade- "No... She can't... I'm going to the Zone of the Past. I'll be back soon."
*Shade teleports away before anyone else can speak.*
OShade- "Shade! Dangit!"
(Ok 'm back. Fast dinner)

Bane-"This is bad, we need someone to follow her and keep her out of trouble while we go to the zone of the past. Any volunteers? Please speak up, we have to catch up to Shade, he doesn't know what were up against in there."
MysticWater came to the Zone of the Past.'I can remember the StarClan, and this is were the vilans go. They don't go to the StarClan.'A large shiny Umbreon walked up to her."Who are you?" she trembled to the Umbreon.
"OShade... I... I... Uhh...."
Bell seemed to stutter.
"I have a question for you: Have you been around all this time, trapped in Shade's body?"
*Shade suddenly collapses to the ground, holding his head. OShade's voice can be heard.*
If you insist on going alone, you should at least know what you're up against... I'm returning your memories. They won't take place of yours, but you can visit them whenever you desire.
*Shade's eyes spring open. Memories of OShade's life flood into his mind. He sees Full Moon and MysticWater.*
Shade- "NO!"
*Shade tackles Full Moon and slashes him across his face.*
Shade- "Run!"
Bane-"Great she went too!Everyone let's go into the zone of the past!"
*And with that he jumps torwards what looks like a tree but then went right through it but didn't come out the other side.*
*When Bane got into the zone and he saw Alice. So he ran over to her.*
Bane-"Alice, where's Shade and MysticWater?"

(Oh and Pokechamp nice to see you back. When was the last time you posted besides right now? Oh and I think Zigg should control Full Moon unless Full moon comes back.)
*Moonlight pouts about Shade and Alice leaving her. Alice telaports right in front of her and takes her to the Zone*
Alice: "I know how much you hate to be alone so you can come with me but you have to promise not to fight if there is dangure. If the is a dangure i want you to run, got it?"
*Moonlight smiles about being able to come along and nods*
*Alice takes out her Light Blade and puts Moonlight on her back and walks int the Zone*
*Moonlight sees Bane following them and growls. Alice looks at where Moonlight is growling and sees Bane*
Alice: "Bane?"
OShade- "Yes, I have."
*Shade throws Full Moon aside and gets up. A Glaceon walks up to him.*
Shade- "Tera..."
Tera- "Hello, Shade."
Shade- "... Are you going to hurt me, or are you going to leave me alone?"
Tera- "I'm still undecided."
Full Moon steps back."Are you ok?!" yelled MysticWater. Full Moon gave a quick smile and teleported away with MysticWater."What going on?" she said. Full Moon walked up and said,"My name is Full Moon. I was a close friend to you before you lost your memories. Those people back there tried to kill you."
(... shoulda seen that coming.)
*Shade growls and teleports after them.*
Shade- "Leave her alone, Full Moon. Your fight is with me."
"Whats going on?!" cried MysticWater. Full Moon attacked Shade and then said,"See? He's tring to kill you!"
Shade- "What?!! MysticWater, I swear, I would never do anything to hurt you."
*Shade slashes at Full Moon.*
Bane knowing that the other eeveelutions are trying to stop their old enemies deides to go after the flower and decides to bring Bell with him. But as they run off they are completely unaware that they are being watched a Shiny Umbreon with 2 charizards wearing red armour beside him.
Full Moon jumps back."Who are you going to turst? Me or the person attacking us?!" MysticWater stepped back with tears in her eyes."I..I" she stamered in a scared voice.
*After a while Bane stopped*
Bane-"Stop. Were being followed." (whispered to Bell)
*Bane feels the presence of someone then realises who it is.*
Bane-"When I say run, run" (whispers to Bell again)
*Alice walks deeper into the Zone with Moonlight asleep on her back. Then a Flareon with a scar on her face jumps out of a bush and stares at Moonlight then she chuckles. Moonlight wakes up startled and stares at the flareon with scared eyes. Moonlights screams and jumps of of Alice's back and runs away. The flareon follows her. Alice looks cunfused but runs after Moonlight*
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