*Shade looks deep in her eyes.*
Shade- "Please, MysticWater. Remember me..."
Sam- "Vaporeon! Hydro Pump!"
*MysticWater blasts Shade. He flies off of her.*
Sam- "Get the Eevee!"
Shade- "Please, Sam! Let her go!"
Sam- "No."
Shade- "Sam, I love her. She is the world to me. I am begging you to let her go free..."
*Moonlight starts running faster. MysticWater is getting closer. Shade growls and teleports in front of MysticWater.*
Shade- "ENOUGH!"
MysticWater- "Why can't you just do what Sam says?"
Shade- "Because I'm a free Umbreon!"
Sam- "Umbreon, return!"
*Shade is returned to his pokeball. MysticWater grabs Moonlight. Sam throws a pokeball at her, catching her quickly.*
Sam- "Yes! I caught an Eevee!"
*She runs up to MysticWater and hugs her.*
*MysticWater purrs.*
Sam- "Come on out, Eevee!"
*Moonlight appears and growls at MysticWater.*
Moonlight- "MysticWater, how could you do this?"
MysticWater- "Do I know you?"
Moonlight- "Do you know- YES! You're part of our team! Team Destiny, Shade, OShade, Eclipse, Star, don't you remember ANY of that?"
MysticWater- "I have no idea what you're talking about."
Sam- "I see you two are getting to know each other. How about we let Umbreon out to get to know you too? IF he'll behave..."
*She lets Shade out.*
Shade- *Telepathically* "I have a name, you know..."
Sam- "Not anymore."
Shade- "Moonlight, are you okay?"
Moonlight- "I'm fine. Shade, we need to get back. The others are going to freak if they find out..."
Shade- "I know... But how? That Lucario and MysticWater are the perfect guards..."
Moonlight- "*sniff* Are we going to be stuck as pets forever?"
Shade- "It's okay..."
*Moonlight starts crying. Shade hugs her.*
Sam- "Aww... What's wrong?"
Shade- *Telepathically* "You see what you've done? All she wants is to be free, and you caught her. How can you trainers live with yourselves?"
*Sam picks up Moonlight.*
Sam- "It's okay, Eevee..."
*Moonlight starts wiggling, trying to get back to Shade.*
Sam- "It's okay. I'm your friend."
Shade- *T* "Put her down!"
Sam- "Don't tell me what to do."
Shade- *T* "Why can't you just let us go?"
Sam- "Because you're my pokemon now. Get used to it. Vaporeon, watch Umbreon. Attack him if he tries to escape. Eevee, return."
*Moonlight disappears. Shade growls.*
MysticWater- "Look, you're not getting away, so just think about how great you have it now."
Shade- "What are you talking about?"
MW- "Think about it: You have someone who's always taking care of you, feeds you, gives you a place to sleep, and makes you stronger."
Shade- "I already HAD ALL OF THAT!"
*He forms a Shadow Blade.*
Shade- "And I'm getting it back."
*Shade grabs Moonlight's Pokeball and starts running.*
Sam- "Vaporeon, get him!"
*MysticWater bolts towards Shade and uses Aurora Beam. His legs freeze to the ground.*
Shade- "No!"
Sam- "Umbreon, you just lost your outdoor privelages. Return!"
*Shade disappears. Sam picks up Moonlight's pokeball and walks over to MysticWater. She scratches her ears.*
Sam- "Good girl..."
MW- "*Purrrr...*"