Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Emerald-"This is pointless, if you are going to fight like this you won't survive the day."
*And with that Emerald walked away.*
Shade- "I need to get my powers back. Until then, I need to stay here. Please understand that... Moonlight, I love you, so I need you to leave. Please..."
(Lol, people keep deleting their posts! Stop deleting!)
*Moonlight looks at Shade saddly, but nods and walks away slowly. She pretends to walk into the forest but she hides behind a bush so Shade wont see her staying*
(Lol dont see her please!)
(I know! Just put something and STICK WITH IT! :p)
*Shade sheathes his sword and walks through a door, looking for Greshnaktu.*
(sorry) about that.
*Emerald folllowed after Shade.*
Emerald-"Finally you two stopped arguing. And if you want to fight Greshnatuk then let me help."
Shade- "No! Have you not listened to a single thing I said? This is my duty because it's my fault. Now I need you to lea-"
*A Shadow Blast knocks Shade against a wall. He slumps to the ground, unconscious. Greshnatuk steps out.*
Greshnatuk- "I had forgotten how much pain tends to hurt..."
(Okay, NOW you can take him to the base. :p)
*All of her attacks go straight through him.*
Greshnatuk- "Pathetic."
*He grabs her and throws her against the wall. He sees Emerald.*
Greshnatuk- "Ah, Emerald. The leader of the Resistance. What a nice surprise. Now, not only will I destroy two ghosts from my past, I'll rid myself of your petty little rebellion as well."
Emerald-"This is bad."
*Emerald grabs Shade and put him on her back.*
EMerald-"Espen grab Moonlight and come on! We have to get to the base."
*Shade moans but doesn't wake up. He drops his sword.*
Greshnatuk- "Yes, run. But there is nowhere in the world that you can hide when it's my world..."
*Emerald and Espen carry them to the base and safely get there with Glacian right behind.*
Emerald-"OShade I'm back and I borought some friends who need help fast."
*OShade waks in and gasps.*
OShade-"Shade? You're alive? and Moonlight too?"
(Greshnatuk is a guy)
*Greshnatuk laughs and throws an amazingly strong Shadow Burst at Glacian, slamming him into the wall.*
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