Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Moonlight: "I think that was Shade.. Come on we need to follow him"
*Moonlight starts running as fast as she can toward the tower*
Bell- "WHAT?!!"
*Bell bolts towards the tower.*
*She bolts into the tower.*
*Shade siletnly sneaks into a room.*
Shade- "My sword!"
*He rushes in, snatches the sword, and rushes back to the door... Which slams shut in front of him.*
Gresh- "I saw this coming... I knew you couldn't resist getting your sword back..."
Shade- "Didn't I kill you?"
Gresh- "You idiot, I can't die thanks to you."
*Shade growls and leaps at Gresh. Gresh leaps towards him, shadow sword raised. The contact makes a huge explosion that can be heard throughout the tower.*
*Moonlight feels the explosion and rushes into the room Shade and Gresh are in*
Moonlight: "SHADE! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF...."
*Moonlight flys into a wall from the explostion and the biulding starts to calapse. The debrees from the building falls on Moonlight traping her*
Shade- "Moonlight!"
*He runs to the debris, but Gresh tackles him away.*
Gresh- "I don't think so."
Shade- "No! You're not keeping me away from her!"
*He plunges his sword into Gresh's heart. Gresh disappears. Shade digs away the debris and picks up Moonlight.*
Shade- "Please please please... PLEASE don't be dead..."
Shade- "Oh, thank goodness..."
*He sheathes his sword and bolts out of the tower with her. Bell growls as he passes her.*
Bell- "Do you have ANY idea how worried I was?!!"
Shade- "I'm sorry, but we don't have time for this..."
*Shade runs towards the base. He rests Moonlight on her bed.*
Shade- "I'm so sorry..."
*He picks up some healing supplies and starts tending to her wounds.*
*Moonlight opens her eyes and sees Shade. She smiles at him and hugs him, then she looks mad at him*
Moonlight: "Why were you going there alone without telling us?!"
Shade- "... I needed to prove to myself that I could do something without my powers. I'm sorry, I ddin't think I'd be seen."
*He takes off his wristbands and puts them in a cabinet filled with relics.*
A lone Eevee runs into the tower where Shade is. He looks like he has something important to say. But he doesn't say it. Instead, he is surprised that Greshtuk isn't there. He begins to stutter in fear,
"Wh-who are y-you?
(... We're in the resistance HQ, but I'll let you fix that last post.)
Shade- "I'm Shade. Who are you, and more importantly are you alright?"

(gtg, going to graduation. I'll be back soon! 4 hours, tops!)
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