Name: Jordan
Age: (The pokemon age like humans) 14
Eeveelution: Umbreon
Description: Whenever Jordan was an Eevee he had a perfect life. Everything was brought to him because his family was rich, if he wanted something he got it. If he was hungry he had a grand feast. If he was bored he'd hire actors to perform for him. But one day the familys money was stolen. After Jordan's parents saw the real him. A brat. They left him alone because they couldn't stand seeing what they had created. 3 years later Jordan has evolved into an Umbreon and understands that he must make up for what he did when he was younger...
Appearance: (If your eeveelution looks different than normal, put it here. Scars, markings, clothing, weaponry, etc.) instead of having the normal yellow rings he has green ones. He has a blade made for him when he was a child. A gift from his father who hoped it would protect him in the great world...
Yeah I'm dropping Verda, his last appearance was on like, page 180. =p