Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Jordan was walking through the ruins when he glimpsed a flash*

Jordan- "There you are." He grinned "Come on, you belong to Master Tera." He said as it bean to levitate towards him "Well I should be on my way now, I guess...." He teleported by Tera "Excuse me for the wait, Master. But I found the stone you asked for..."
Jordan- "No the stone!" Suddenly he got a mischievous look on his face "Sunset shove the stone in your chest! It will enhance your powers to rid of this Shade!"
Sunset growls and leaps at Shade."Jordan, get the stone back! Right now anyone can control her!" spat Tera.
*Bane leaps at Shade taking out his sword and while Shade's distracted he shoves it into his heart.*
Bane-"Sorry. But when I fix everything this will never happen."
Jordan- "I'm on it!" *Suddenly Shade froze and he took the stone* "Sunset come here, and do what I told you earlier!"
Jordan- "Perfect..." *He said as he shoved the last stone in her* "Master Tera, she is now under our control. Do what you want..."
*Bane spots the stone in Jordan's hand.*
Bane-"That stone.. it has enough power to bring me back in time!"
*Bane uses volt tackle on Jordan stealing the stone from him. And then Bane's body starts to glow.*
Sunset starts to sceam again as the first stone broke. She darted away before the second stone could work. She grabbed her sword and went to check on Shade."Shade? Are you ok?!" Sunset starts crying and grabs on to Bane, going back in time with him.
Jordan- "You pest What do you need that stone for?!" *He said as he kicked it from Bane's hand*
(Make me!!!! Mwahahaha!!!)
Bane-"I need it to stop this world you little brat!"
*Bane slams into Jordan taking back the stone and uses volt tackle running away.*
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