Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Glaceons can learn psychic? ~J/K~)

Striffer:"Jet!!! Stop him"

Jetstream:"O-o-Ok.....HYDRO PUMP!!!!"

~Uses toward the ground causing Shade to slip~
*Shade falls, but makes sure he doesn't land on Sunset. Gets up.*
"Fine. Kill me if you want... Just let my daughter go."
~Striffer stops and looks at Shade~

Striffer:"Kill you???" *Confused*

Jetstream:"I think he's crazy...."

Starrk:"What's your problem dude?!?"
~Striffer looks at Shade confused and angry~

Jetstream:"St-striffer, what's Deepground???" *Droopy Ears*

Starrk:"We have no idea what you are talking about, I just want to know how you know about my sister"
*Closes his eyes.*
"She's hunting us."
*Explains what's going on.*
"That's why I ran. I feared for Sunset's life..."
~they all listen to the story intrigued~

Starrk:"Wow, my sister is still alive"

Striffer:" So they are trying to kill you, well they don't sound like a huge threat, I'm pretty sure we are stronger than them"

~Jetstream looks at shade and sunset, sunset plays with starrk~

Jetstream:"well I still think he is crazy.... Striffer so what are going to do?"
~Starrk gently nuzzles Sunset~

Striffer:"Well, I think our new friend needs some help, don't you think?? And besides, a army is just a army. It all depends on how strong they can really be"

~Looks at Starrk and Jetstream~

Jetstream:"Bu-buu-but that means we will have to fight....and travel with the stranger and little monster" *Droopy ears*
~Striffer sits with Jetstream watching the 3 play, Jetstream whining!~

Jetstream:"Why do we have to help, can't he find someone else..."

Striffer:"Jet, you have amazing powers, why don't you use them to help someone for once?"

Jetstream:"Well's scary"

~Jetstream sees Moonlight~
~Looks at him~

Starrk:"I don't mind at all, kids are so precious." *smiles*

~She looks at moonlight~

Starrk:"But what about your friend??"
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