Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Moonlight sighs*
Moonlight: "...We need to get out of should rest and heal Vee"
*Moonlight uses Slam on the door are full speed were the dent Angel made was*
Emerald-"Zarin what's wrong?"
Zarin-"The trail, it just stops."
Bane-"Then they must have teleported. That's your specialty Emerald."
*Emerald tries to find where they went.*
Emerald-'They did a parallel dimension teleport. Too much for me to do alone."
Emerald-"We can't reach them unless we find someone else who can teleport."
Angel: "Sunset, back away from the door..."
*Angel uses another Light Blast. The dent turns into a crack.*
*Vee gets up and smashes the door with and Iron Tail. It crumbles and he walks out, holding his shoulder.*
Bane-"I think we have other problems."
*An army of pokemon with armor with the sign of a falcon on it started marching towards them.*
Zarin-"Now? But we can't beat them without the others."
Emerald-"All we can do for now is get out of here."
*The three started running away as the army slowly took over the land.*
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