Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Cyrus: "Shut up."
*Puts him in his pokeball.*
*Shade holds Sunset close to him, tears in his eyes.*
"I thought I'd never see you again..."
*Emerald let's Moonlight out.*
*Zarin comes running back in.*
*Zarin tacles Cyrus and starts beating him with punches.*
Zarin*T*"Never hurt my friends!"
*Emerald attacks the collar trying to break it.*
*Cyrus grins and sends out a Drapion. It towers above Zarin.*
Cyrus: "Drapion, Crush Grip!"
*Drapion begins crushing Zarin in it's claws.*
*Emerald intercepts the message.*
Emerald-"Oh no he can't! All of us are getting out of here!"
*Zarin uses shadow sending the drapion backwards.*
*Emerald uses grass knott on Bane's collar braking the collar.*
Emerald *T* now tell us where you sent those pokemon or you're next."
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