Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Bane starts panicking.*
*Emerald walks in.*
Emerald-"Bane this is all a trap we have to get out!"
Bane-"There was nothing I could do. I was useless.%Pr
Shade is chained to a wall.
He sees the Great Electivire.

"I thought I was lucky when I caught the Infected one. But now, I have you. Your power should come in handy, Shade."

The Electivire pulls out a drill.
"I'm going to have to extract your powers, Shade. I need them, after all."
"This will only hurt... A LOT! HAHAHAHA!"
"Apparently, you need a lesson in manners."

The Great Electivire pulls out a remote. He presses a button on it, and Shade is shocked by the chains.

"I didn't think you would give in, Shade, so I added a shocking new feature to the chains you are bound in."
The Great Electivire lols.
Emerald-"Bane it's alright, but where'd they go."
Bane-"Come to think about it, where did they go? That electrivire just dragged Shade over to the wall and.."
Emerald-"The Wall!"
*Emerald ran over to the wall to find an indent that when she pushed it the wall opened like a door.*
Emerald-"Let's go."
*Shade growls again. The chains shatter.*
"Maybe you should've added THAT to your calculations..."
*Goes Umbreon and leaps at him.*
"I calculated that as well. Which is why you will stop dead in your tracks."

The Great Electivire pulls out the Umbreon that was captured.
"One wrong move, Shade, and I kill him".
Surprisingly, the Great Electivire throws the Umbreon from out his hands.

"Hahaha! That Pokerus the Umbreon was infected with gives me huge amounts of power! I've been in contact with him long enough to get it, now!"

He slams himself into Shade, but with the immense power the Pokerus gives him.
*Shade is sent through the wall. He grunts in pain, but goes Umbreon again. Leaps at the Electivire, making a Shadow Blade.*
The Great Electivire sends a blast of electricity at Shade.
It doesn't miss, either; the power of the Pokerus makes it extremely accurate.
*Emerald finds her way into the study along with ?Bane seeing a huge hole in the wall.*
*Emerald charges through the hole to see the electrivire.*
Emerald-"Never hurt my friends!"
*Emerald leaps at the electrivire clawing him.*
"All I want is your powers, Shade."
"I don't think I'm such a bad guy for wanting them..."

He pulls out the drill again.
"I'll even knock you out so you don't feel a thing!"

The Electivire turns around and bats off the attacking Emerald with his sheer force.

"I was going to let you live, Shade. But now... I'M GOING TO DESTROY YOU!"
He charges at Shade with unmatched force. He charges his two tails with electricity.
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