Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"What?" She sat up. She smiled again.
"You know this is my soul, right? I'm not evil..." She playfully splashed water on him, sending more happiness, love, and playfulness into him.
Keeps splashing him.
"Now if Lugia or Ho-oh was just here, it would be the best day of my life..."
*Smiles. Swims to the shore wordlessly and takes out his black flute. Starts playing a beautiful melody.*
*Stops playing.*
"Prepare for the best day of your life..."
*A bright light fills the sky, and Lugia and Ho-Oh fly down from it.*
Lugia: "You summoned us, old friend?"
"Lugia, Ho-Oh, allow me to introduce you to Sharron. It was her dream to meet you, so I invited you here."
*Says something to them telepathically. They smile and nod.*
*Garret jumps onto Ho-Oh. Lugia descends to Sharron.*
Lugia: "Would you like to ride me?"
Garret: "That's what I asked them."
*Lugia uses Psychic to get Shannon onto him. He grins.*
"Hang on tight."
*Flies next to Ho-Oh. Garret smiles at her.*
Garret: "How's the best day of your life going so far?"
"To see Raikou, Suicune, and Entei...They are some of my greatest friends ever and I've haven't seen them in years.
*A look of terror crosses Garret's face, but he quickly hides it.*
Lugia: "Alright."
Garret: "You two go ahead... We'll... Do something else..."
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