Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Shadow gets off from the tree branch, while his bands glow. "An Eevee that can transform. Also, who are you other people?" Shadow walks around, getting fresh air.
Shade: "They're asleep right now..."
*Lies down, bored out of his mind.*

*Garret shakes his head.*
"It's nothing..."
Shannon smiled.
My body felt really weird at the sight of that Eevee...Whats wrong with me?
"These people aren't so bad.. what can go wrong?" Shadow walks toward them. "Hey, guys. Even though I look evil, I'm not." He smiles.
"... I'm gonna choose not to interfere here."
*Garret looks at himself. He's an Eevee.*
-_- "... Well this stinks..."
"I'm gonna leave now..."
*Garret starts to leave, but trips on his own feet, not used to being four-legged again.*
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