Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"... So that's the Everstone..."
*Picks up a Moon Stone.*
"Hm... Should I evolve...?"
*Looks at Shannon.*
"Do you think I should evolve, or do you like me this way...?"
"Which do you like me better as?"
*Rolls onto his back and looks at everything upside down. Giggles cutely.*
"Ehh...Right now it seems I'm babysitting a kid, not sitting with my love...That explain's it."
*Nods and picks up a Moon Stone. Turns into an Umbreon and shakes his fur. Gets up.*
"That's better..."
*His fur seems silkier. He's also missing the scar on his eye. He jumps onto Shannon's lap and nuzzles her. His fur is a lot softer.*
*As Garret was walking around he saw the Pellipper come into view and quickly hurried over to it.*
*the Pellipper gave him the note and it read:*

(Since Shannon wrote the letter you can make up what it says TSL.)
"Hm... Wait... *sigh* Dustin is chasing after her again... Hm... The Isle of Dreams... Sounds familiar..."
*Gives the note back to the Pelipper.*
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