Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Zig you can have somthing attack Shade if you want)
Zotz: "....i see they have powers..."
Goth: "Does that mean if i kill them i will get their powers?!"
Zots: "Yes"
*Goth jumps into the cave and jumps at Moonlight*
(I have to go...)
"Where is that foolish little life-form?" she scans the area for Shade.
"No use looking for him now. I should get some sleep."
(Moonlight's not in the land of the dead, ShayminSky)
*Shade runs through the forest. He crashes into Hyorin.*
"Ow... Oh, it's just you..."
*Puts the sword away.*
(Garret used his powers that Chaos temporarily lent him to get her out. That's one of the few ways. She can go back in if she wants to save Shade though.)
*Starts wandering around. Goes North.*
(Have one of the ppl, like Goth, go after him)
*Zotz growls in anger*
*A black burst crosses the whole underwold, making it so there is no powers*
Zotz: "Get the Umbreon, NOW!"
*Goth nods and runs towards were Shade is*
*Draws his sword as he hears someone approach.*
"Alright, come and get some..."
*Uses double team, making hundreds of himself to confuse Goth.*
She awakens from her sleep, completely refreshed.
"Now where is Shade..."
She sees him in the background.
"Oh, is that all he's doing?" She runs to him.
*Goth walks out of a bush, staring at the real Shade. He smiles and Shade starts feeling pain*
*Moonlight sighs then she hears Zotz voice*
Zotz: "Your Umbreon friend is dieing"
*A picture shows in Moonlight's head, of Shade and Goth fighting*
Moonlight: "NO!"
*She bolts back through the crack, yowling in anger*
*Shade collapses in pain.*
*Fires a Dark Pulse at Goth. It hits and sends him flying. Shade starts running while he's distracted.*
As she watches Goth and Shade, many thoughts run through her now clouded mind.
"What are they doing...?
"Is that some sort of mystical power...?
"No, that's nonsense...There's nothing that can't be proven by science..."
*Goth hisses and runs after Shade*
*Moonlight is now in the Under world*
Zotz: "Good, folow the Houndoom"
Moonlight: "What Hou-"
*A Houndoom steps out and looks at her, then starts walking away. Moonlight follows*
"Then do so!"
*Drops her and keeps running, looking for any of his friends.*
"Maria, Illua, Xhela... They should be here somewhere..."
HyorinFrozenSoul said:
She runs after Shade.
"What are those things you speak of? And where exactly are we going?!"

"They're my friends! And away from here!"
*Fires a Hyper Beam at Goth.*

42 chocolate said:
*Hidj falls into a run alongside Hyorin and Shade*
"Well hello there, been a while since I've seen you"

"HIDJ?! What are you doing in the land of the dead?!"
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