Finished Eeveelution RPG

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Xhela: "It made me feel better."
*She rests her head on Shade. Shade smiles.*
Shade: "Having fun?"
Xhela: "More than you will ever know..."
(See you...)
*Xhela and Shade close their eyes. Xhela drifts into sleep, while Shade stays alert, only resting lightly.*
is it to late to join?

Name: Forte
Age: (The pokemon age like humans) 15
Eeveelution: Shiny Glaceon
Description: He woke after a block of ice thawed. Quite, shy, hangs out in the back. After you get to know him he can be fun.
Appearance: regular shiny glaceon
(It's never too late. If you want to be active, you have to be dead and in the land of the dead though...)
(ok then. right now i'm on my ps3 and its weird)

*Wakes up*
"where am I?"
*Looks around"
(In land of the dead, move is yourS. Also won't be on tell sunday and early tomorrow)
"... Yeah. That's why you're in the land of the dead... And you're not glowing like me... So you're dead..."
"Good. I'm not a person you want to fight"
*Disappears and covers Shade with body to protect from hail*
"So why are you here?"
"I fell in a fissure created by a giant embodiment of all the evil in existence that was trying ot destroy the earth that's also been sealed inside my body for 50 years and is currently asleep... Is my life complicated? Yes."
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