Finished Eeveelution RPG

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(Did you ever get my pm TSL?)
*Helps Bella up.*
"I can' trepay you enough. If it weren't for you... Bella might not be here."
(I'm just getting on quickly so I can update my shop and post here. I did get it and will replie soon...Today is my gaint card sorting day. I have TONS of cards...)
"No thanks needed..."
Bella slowly stood, a little shakey.
(TCG. Ah same here. Although so many are old it's not even funny. I only really collect now a days though.)
"Take it easy Bella. We'll find a place where you can sit down."
(Man. I'm sorry Zigg but none of my characters are able to talk to yours. Except Veran but SS! doesn't want me to do the plot yet.)
(Ok sorry! I had a LOT of school shopping yesterday...)
Silver: "Your not going to die!"
*Tears start to fall from her eyes*
(AH! Too many cards!*Screams* I not even done sorting...I just got them into sets...But I'm taking a break, lol)
Bella walks into the log.
Sarah stood.
"Man, school has drama. I don't see how you and Shannon lived through it, Garret."
Unless this RP is almost to a close, room for one more?

Actaully, the main post doesnt list all the characters so im not sure who all is in this...

Also, just a question, but it said we need to post any specific details like clothes or weapons. Like what? Are we "normal" pokemon, or some sort of anthro?
"You're so nice to me Bella. i mean, no one, no one has ever treated me as well as you did. Everyone's always leaving and doesn't do anything with me. They always have better things to do... But you, you stay with me an be my friend."
*Nuzzles her.*
"I'm glad we met Bella..."
(Now what? But I think we need to get the whole Veran thing over. I mean I have to leave on Saturday for an entire week. So... can you tell SS! to come on?)
*Veran watches as Silver and Jade try to heal Shade.*
"Shade can't die! I need his power!"
*Veran leaps out and tackles Silver holding her above the edge of the waterfall.*
*Shade's eyes snap open, glowing red. Tackles Veran, sending him over the edge. Grabs Silver and pulls her up.*
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