Finished Eeveelution RPG

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"You are going to wish you haden't...*Someone knocks her out and takes out a pokeball*
*Garret looks up at the trainer.*
"... Yeah, but no."
*He holds out his paw, and a Shadow Blade materializes inside of it. He leaps up to the trainer, cutting the pokeball in half.*
*Garret Iron Tail's the trainer in the head, hard enough to knock him out. He runs over to Natalie and picks her up.*
*He starts healing her.*
"My name is Garret, and I have a feeling we have more in common than you think... Come with me."
*He reaches out his paw for her to take.*
*She goes with Garret*"My name is Natalie,but you can just call me Nat.My parents left me when I was born and I was raised and trained by an Alakasam and left him not to long after that. Ever since, I have been on my own."*She nuzzles Garret seeing him in a different way*
*He smiles.*
"Alright then. Now that we're on a first-name basis..."
*He wraps his arms around her waist.*
"Hold on tight..."
*He starts to levitate off the ground, bringing her with him.*
(More than one word per post please)
*Garret laughs. He starts rising above the clouds, holding her close.*
"Like the view?"
*He tightens his grip on her, not letting her fall.*
"Don't worry, I've got you..."
*He holds her bridal-style, not showing any signs of letting her slip this time. The sun starts to set, turning all the clouds a beautiful golden-hue. He smiles.*
"This is my favorite time of day..."
*Watches the sun.*
"There's not really much to tell... I'm a clone of an Umbreon named Shade... Because of that, I have his dark powers... Other than that, like I said, not much to tell..."
"Didn't have any... I'm a clone... However, Shade's parents were killed in a forest fire 18 years ago... So I guess you could say that's what happened to mine..."
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