She walked away from the others, just for a walk. She wandered away, but then she stepped on something. Images appeared in her mind. A vulpix,and a eevee, The eevee was Snowy when she was younger. They were climing up a moutian, in the moutian was a beautiful waterfall that spilled into a large lake."Come on Sis!" Called out the Vulpix. The eevee(Snowy) Scrambled after the vulpix. A large shadow loomed over them. A suicune lept in front of them. "Why do you dare to Enter my Territory?"It boomed. The suicune unsheathed it claws and slashed at Snowys face, a star shaped scar was now on her head. The Vulpix threw a bundle at Snowy."Protect this with you life, I will get the Sicune."Vulpix said. The vulpix lept at the Suicune.