Finished Eeveelution RPG

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MysticWater stares deep into Shade eyes. She became drozey and head voices in her head. The shadow was gone.
""She became so drozey from the stare, she fell asleep.
Eclipse looked at his father."You put her to sleep without even tring!"
(I is back on)
*Shade catches her. He picks her up and walks over to Bell.*
Shade- "Bell, you hold the power of the Spacial Insignia. I need you to make a lunar eclipse."
*Verda is shocked*

Lunar Eclipse?! No you can't! Whenever I'm around a Lunar Eclipse I'M controlled by the shadow if it is near me! And I can't teleport again, and I'm to tired to run!
*Bell nods, sort of confused. She looks at the sky and closes her eyes. Her Spacial Insignii begin glowing, and a lunar eclipse begins again. Shade nods.*
Shade- "Excellent."
*He gently places MysticWater down and runs to the Dark One's body. He places his paw on her forehead.*
Shade- "Hopefully our last meeting, Tera..."
*He closes his eyes. A shadow leaves Tera's body and forms an orb in Shade's hands. Her symbols disappear. He opens his eyes.*
Shade- "Now, to take care of my powers..."
*He places the orb in his chest. The symbols reappear on him. 影 He smiles.*
Shade- "Excellent."

*Shade nods to Bell. The Lunar Eclipse disappears.*
Shade- "There, eclipse over. You'll be fine, Verda."
(Ok i gtg in 10 min, and yes i would like to make a major contribution)
*Telaports back to cave with the rest of group*
* Walks into cave and curls up*
"Yawns well i need to get some sleep, goodnight"
*The next morning....*
*Shade opens his eyes and yawns. He looks around at his team.*
Shade- 'They really came through for me....'
*He gets up and goes to the lake. Soon, a ghostly glaceon appears. Without looking at it, Shade nods.*
Shade- "Hello, Tera."
Tera- "That's the Dark One to you, Shade. And how'd you know it was me?"
Shade- "How did I know that you were the Dark One? Easy. One, you've still got that scar on your leg. Two, same basic attitude. And three, when you first saw me you looked like you still loved me."
*Tera shakes her head angrily.*
Shade- "I'm going to take a wild guess at what happened. Tell me if I'm wrong."
*He closes his eyes.*
Shade- "After the fire that destroyed our home, you assumed me and Solaria were dead. However, after five long years of pain, you finally found me again... In the arms of another woman. This caused even greater pain than before, because you realized that although I was still alive, we couldn't be together. So you turned to the darkness to plot your revenge. Eventually, you heard stories of the ultimate dark power residing in the valley. You traveled to the valley and used the darkness to lure me towards you. And team Destiny defeated you."
*He opens his eyes.*
Shade- "Now it's your turn to tell me something. Why didn't you die after I plunged a shadow blade through your heart six years ago?"
Tera- "I still retained some of my dark powers, which I used to heal myself. I was only pretending to be dead. And, considering the fact that you were otherwise distracted, it wasn't that difficult."
*Shade nods.*
Shade- "But this time we really did kill you."
Tera- ".... Yes."
Shade- "And now your ghost is doomed to walk the earth for eternity, correct?"
Tera- "... You think you're so much better than everyone else, don't you Shade? Just because you have powers that Arceus gave you at birth. That doesn't give you the right to pretend that you know everything!"
*Shade shakes his head. Tera growls, enraged.*
Tera- "If I still had a physical body, I'd kill you. Powers or no powers."
Shade- "I'm sure you would."
MysticWater woke up very slowly."What..happened?" she whispered. Then she looked at her paws"Oh."
'I can't stay here. I might hurt the people I love.' She looked at Star and Eclipse.'I'm sorry my kids. StarClan, what should I do?'
She took a step out of the cave and looked at the stars.'I guess you won't answer me after what I did. I not StarClan messager anymore.'Her markings and eyes glowed and she was a Charizard.
"Goodbye, my loves." Then she flew off.
*Shade looks up just in time to see SpottedTalon fly off.*
Shade- "No. Not after what we just went through."
*He teleports and lands on her back.*
Shade- "I don't care about what you did! I love you, and you're not leaving us after what just happened! Now I want you to turn around."
"No Shade. When I have this much power..And I can't control it..I'm a danger to everyone." She flew to the ground and plushed Shade off."Goodbye" she whispered and flew off again.
Bell woke up to see Shade flying away with a Charizard.

"Don't leave me Shade!"

She screamed as she ran after him.
*Shade stares after her, tears filling his eyes. He sighs and teleports home. He wakes up Solaria.*
Solaria- "Huh...? What are you doing Shade?"
Shade- "MysticWater is gone. I'm worried that she might get herself hurt. I'm going to follow her and keep an eye on her, and I need you to lead the team while I'm gone. I also need you to watch Eclipse and Star."
*Solaria looks at him, worried.*
Shade- "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I need you to be a strong leader in my absence. Don't tell the others the specifics, just tell them I left you in charge."
*He looks at his sleeping children.*
Shade- "Goodbye..."
*He grabs his pack and runs off, quickly disappearing in the forest.*
Bell thinking the Charizard did something to Shade, goes loco.

"Spacial Rend!"

She fires one at the flying MysticWater!
*While Shade is running, he gets the sense that someone's following him. Looking back, he sees... Tera. He shakes his head and keeps running.*
Tera- "Slow down!"
Shade- "Why should I?"
Tera- "Cuz I want to talk to you!"
*Shade speeds up.*
MysticWater was flying quickly when a blast came charginng for her. She moved out of the way and looked back to see Bell.
"Bell! Please don't start the shadow! I don't want to hurt you!"
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