Finished Eeveelution RPG

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*Gozen's body explodes, sending chunks of armor flying in every direction. When the smoke clears, Cloud's soul slowly makes its way back into his body. He snaps awake, panting.*
*Will runs over to check on Cloud.*
"Are you alright!?"
*He notices that his katana is laying on the ground next to him. He snatches it up, and watches it turn back into a dagger.*
The Sequencer never fails to surprise me...
*Hoshi runs out to check on Cloud without thinking. By the time she was half way there, she realized she blew here cover and ran back to the bush*
*Will looks up to see a Eevee running, and back to a bush.*
*He looks down at Cloud.*
"Don't worry, I'm right here."
*Hoshi summons up the courage and peaks out of the bush.*

In a small voice: "Is...Um....Is everyone ok?"
Red got up and looked at the Eevee, Shards of Gozen's armor start hovering in the air, pointed at the Eevee, "Who are you?" Asked Red...
*Hoshi sighs in relief and slowly steps out of the bush. She then sees Red and runs back to the bush*
*Will tilts his head, thinking.*
"...I think it looks better on you...."
*He starts laughing, and then pushes the head off.*
"Yes, but as you may have seen, things came up."
*He looks down at Cloud.*
"Can you stay with Red for just a little bit?"
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