• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Eeveelutions deck (juniors, any)


Aspiring Trainer
Here it is;):

1 umbreon prime
1 umbreon COL
2 umbreon UD
1 vaporeon COL
1 vaporeon UD
1 espeon MD
2 leafeon RR
2 glaceon MD
3 eevee UD(48/90)
1 eevee MD(62/100
2 spiritomb PA
1 unown flash HGSS
1 azelf LA

19 Pokemon

1 poke collector
3 energy search
3 bebe's search
2 dusk ball
1 poke ball
1 black belt
1 energy switch
1 team galactic's energy gain
1 technical machine ts-1
2 life herb
1 poke communication
2 moomoo milk
2 cynthia's feelings
2 interviewer's question's

23 trainer/supporter/stadium

1 call energy
3 special dark energy
3 dark energy
3 grass energy
3 psychic energy
4 water energy

18 energy

Get out as many eeveelutions out and sunlight veil and evoblast for 90 at a time to almost always OHKO the opponent.
Um... Most pokemon have over 90HP so Umbreon won't be able to kill them. Can you post the decklist correctly so its easier for most of us to understand?
-1 Umbreon COL
+1 Umbreon MD

Umbreon MD helps with weakness because Machamp can completely go through your deck. It also gives your eeveelutions free retreat so you can seeker/SSU it back up. Eevee RR is better IMO with 2 Eevee MD

-3 Eevee UD
+1 Eevee MD
+ 2 Eevee MD
Umbreon/Vaporeon COL and UD are the same card except art. You should put them together.