superpokemon67-You're post is complete god-modding. First of all, no. You cannot name the random Eevee that a GM's character found in a forest. Second, you cannot control the character by making it say whatever you want. You have to wait for replies! Kaiserchu & dragonspit control the Eevee, and that's final. I'm sorry, but you're post was quite outrageous, and needed action.
Umbreon/Espeon said:
OOC:I read 3 pages,but not the rest.What's happening?
Well, I would love it if you would be devoted enough to read on your own time, but since your not, here it is.
In town, there was an announcement that taxes would be raised on wood, and that all Eevees under and at the age of seven would be taken to a "special" place or what not. Of course, this town took this as complete bologna(is that how you spell it?) and created a mob. A few characters stayed; including Red, Static, Blade, and whatever is the name of the Glaceon. Meanwhile, a few characters decided to follow the carts carrying the children, including Dracona, Jon, and Everest. Dracona and Jon followed a specific trail, while Everest hopped on the back of a cart. Dracona soon saw her and told her to pretend to be a Eeveelution under seven, and she did so. Afterwords, Dracona and Jon discovered an Eevee who must have escaped fromone of the carts name Clark.
That's it so far. Seems long in the box.
Now that I'm done helping out
IC: Everest felt the cart slow down to a stop. This must be it. She couldn't produce fake tears, so she hoped her "sad" face would be good enough.
More light entered the cart as the Sableye opened the door from the back. It was realized that chances of escape were low. Everest was surrounded by tall walls. She hoped Dracona had picked up a good stradegy with that strange Espeon on his side...he was going to need it.
Ropes were tied around her paws.
Yup. A VERY good stradegy is needed...