Eeveelutions Legacy

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Wheres the annoying nature?
The Original Eeveelution
Ziggoratt999 created Eeveelution RPG on the 4th of May on Pokebeach, and it proved itself to be an incredible RPG, having over 1000 Posts in the thread’s name. Now I have decided to recreate this legend of a RPG for the users of this forum…

The Plot
Once upon a time, in the world of Pokémon, mankind co-existed alongside Pokémon, until they mysteriously vanished from the face of the Earth, leaving it in the hands of Pokémon. Two hundred years later, Pokémon have dominated the globe, building towns, cities and villages in the absence of the Human race; there is only one thing left that proves that the human race once existed: the Spiral Tower. The Spiral Tower contains a doorway that leads to the ultimate power, this doorway is known as Cor Matris, and it can only be opened by the Primo Clan, who had been vanquished long ago.

An evil tyrant named King Gorbalus wishes to obtain the legendary power of Cor Matris, but when he learned that only a Primo could open the gate, he was enraged, so he sent out his warriors to find a member of the extinct Primo Clan, so he can obtain the power of Cor Matris! Somewhere, in what used to be the Hoenn region, there exists one last member of the Family, and he is a mere child, unable to protect himself…

...But destiny has a plan, one that will unite strangers to save the world...

You must pick to be one of the eeveelutons (Evolutions of Eevee), hence the name. This set into modern times, actually the future, but since pokemon do not advance as fast as humans do, and they had to adapt first, technology is at a standstill. Modern technology still exists 200 years later. Pokemon have taken the humans place in this world. They do their jobs, live where they lived (and some where they didn't, such as Antarctica). They have even formed friendly societies to live in with each other, but have also reverted back to ways of monarchy/dictatorship.

The Rules
Standard Pokebeach Rules
No God-Modding
No Bunnying
Put *~* in the space "Did you read the rules?"
No Flaming
Do not post after a pause, until me or Aggiegwyn say unpause.
You play as 2 characters max
PM your forms to me
Do not use asterisks in your posts, please. There is a huge difference:
*Walks into bar*
Jason walks in the bar.
See? Also try to use good grammar and descriptive words. This is not a must, but I really want you to.

Application (Remove all Brackets)
Did You Read The Rules?:
Appearance (2 lines minimum):
Personality (2 lines minimum):
History (3 lines minimum):

Username: dragonspit999
Name: Dracona
Species: Umbreon
Gender: Male
Age: 22
Appearance: Dracona appears as a common Umbreon, but that is not the case. Dracona has pulsing black (like black light, not actual black) rings, instead of yellow or blue. He has a faded-gold color eyes, but the gold only shows in light. Otherwise, they appear hazel.

Personality: Dracona is indeed a special eeveelution. He is very intelligent, but, at the same time, very violent. He is very protective of his family, friends, and village, but despises the government.

History: Dracona has been working in military since he was old enough to be drafted. Before that, he was simply a smart eevee. He evolved around age 16, then being recruited into the village guard. They recruit every Umbreon and Espeon they can, and with his experience already, he was top priority. The government killed his father, his leading figure, for a simple mistake in the military. They claim it was an accident, but Dracona knows better. He despises the government for it. One day, he met someone. He meets people all the time, but she was special. No, not that kind of special. Well, maybe not,but they were good friends. The idea of a resistance, a standing-up has come to his mind several times. He never thought it to come true, though... He then talked to her about it, heard her thoughts, and together they came up with a plan...

Username: aggiegwyn
Name: Everest J. Jones
Species: Flareon
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearance: Everest has thick fur that stands up in very random places at different times. Most of the time she looks like she woke up with a "bed-body". Most would see her as a crazy person just from first glance. She has no yellow fur around her neck like most Flareons do, her neck is bare, which looks bizarre. At the ends of her light-yellow fur on her tail and forehead, dark blue streaks meet the ends. It's very contrasting compared to the flamy-red of the rest of her body. Thus, most of the time she is declared crazy from the first glance.

Personality: The first thing that most pokemon know about Everest is that she has a mental illness. It's synthesia which is an illness that confuses the senses. So, whenever Everest hears things, she also sees colors. However, she uses this as an advantage rather than a disability. She can use the colors to sense people's personalities, know when others are near, and to sense emotion. The way you use your voice is the way Everest determines how you are. Here are some examples:

Being mentally-ill, Everest takes an automatic defense over all whom are disabled. She becomes really compassionate when it comes to situations like this.

Also, Everest is sensitive about personal space and open-romance. She hates seeing couples kiss, and thinks its gross. She also has her little "bubble" of space.

Everest was a child of a blacksmith. At the age of 14, she got a job as a hand-maiden to support her family. When her father was hired by a merchant to create swords, she left to explore the world, no longer needing to pay for her parents. (By this time she is seventeen) she travelled to the kingdom and saw the ridiculous goverment system up close. She immediately considered it ridiculous. A few days later she saw a fellow Eeveelution scoffing at it aswell.

She gained the courage to say hello, needing someone on her side. After a few months of thier friendship, she thought about starting a resistance. They couldn't be the only ones...could they? They formed a plan together, and the resistance was formed.

Username: Dark Sonic J
Appearance:Blade is an odd Leafeon because his leaves are not green, instead they are red, as if it's always autumn. His body, instead of a soft yellow, is bright yellow and blinding, at night however, his fur is a soft silver.

Personality: Blade is a kindhearted, smart Eeveelution who never leaves his friends in a time of need. How he became so smart was due to his parents giving him an education and him having an AP score of 5 on every single one of his exams. He protects his friends by shielding and then having them run.

History:Blade left his family early (when he was about ten) to go find a better school for himself, when he came back from searching (with no luck) his village was destroyed. He regretted ever leaving and thats where his over-protectiveness came from. He wandered off and started pondering on what the causes for his village's destruction could be. Rampaging Torterra, no; Forest Fires, no. Then it hit him, literally, he was hit by a stick which was curved to look like a 'G', the Government must have done this. He set out to find a rebel group and found 2 Eeveelutions as well.

Username: paddy185
Name: Whisper
Species: Glaceon
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Appearance: Whisper is a very dark blue on the normal dark blue parts of her body, and the rest of her body is how a Shiny Glaceon would be. She also has a scar on the side of her body.

Personality: Whisper is not trusting, and is very suspicious of other Pokemon. Before this she was very lonely but this started a chain of events that caused her to gain her scar, and suspicion of others. However she is very loyal to her friends, even if it's hard for her to make any due to her suspicion. She can be very playful at times. She also has a great mind, and unlike others, she retains all that she reads, allowing her to pick out a quote if necessary, and also can describe the meaning of a word if anyone doesn't know it. She also has a thing against people who think being weird, gay or anything like that is bad, due to having weird siblings.

History: As an Eevee, she was born in the Arctic, and during her childhood she was generally an outcast, never being picked for anything, and was treated somewhat like a slave in her family. This meant she was desperate for any contact, and as such, roamed the Arctic, searching far and wide trying to meet someone. However she wasn't adapted to the cold, and so almost froze to death. During this period she evolved into a Glaceon whilst sleeping at the side of an Ice Rock, and after this she was fine-even happy-in the cold, learning how to perform Blizzard, Frost Breath, and even improvising combination moves, such as Venom Breath-using Toxic and Frost Breath simultaneously, and Cold Voice, using Echoed Voice and Frost Breath simultaneously. However, one day she came across a gang of Weavile who mugged her and left her with her scar. After that, she went back to her family to help with her injury who then accepted her, saying that her running away and evolving was a trial of courage, before treating her wound.

Username: CrystaltheUmbreon
Name: Crystal
Species: Umbreon
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Appearance: Crystal's rings are a dark indigo and her eyes are black with red pupils. Her fur is a dark gray instead of black.

Personality: She is mostly shy, lonely and has trouble talking to others, but can be very kind to others who she trusts. Crystal is also emotional, so her feelings get hurt easily.

History: Crystal's parents were digusted at the appearence of their child, but weren't that bad enough to get rid of her, so they kept her. Crystal was always kept away from contact with other pokemon, so she started to get used to being alone, away from other people. At the age of 12, she ran away from her family, chosing to live a life on her own. She now lives by herself, but with new friends, as well as enemies.

Username: Superpokemon67
Name: Jon C
Species: Espeon
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Appearance: The first thing you might notice is the earings. Born into a long family of Psychics, he inhierited both the mind and the look of a Psychic. He has large gold earings with charmed Saphires inserted that his parents gave him. He has the typical red dot on the forehead that all Espeons have, as well as some various necklaces. He doesn't care much for apperance otherwise.

Personality: Jon want's to be helpful, when possible. Being an Espeon allows him to read peoples minds, see the future, and move things telekinetically. If he sees something that he doesn't like, he'll try to stop it however possible. He tries to the best of his ability to use his talents wisely, usualy to great effect.

History: Both of Jon's parents were Espeons, and that was thier profession. They helped people who needed something that only an Espeon could do. The ability to see emotions also applies to machines. Not in that specific way of course, but if something isn't working right, Jon's parents can see what's wrong. That obviously is useful in a worldbent on using machines for everything, so Jon grew up in a very wealthy home, with parents who could afford to stay home and homeschool him. He didn't meet many pokemon his age, but it didn't bother him much, because one of his parents was always home and they cared about him. Along with usual classes, Jon learned the family profession. He evolved into an Espeon at age 17, the same age he was expected to go out and make a living for himself. Carrying a large inheritance from his parents, Jon went out into the world...

Username: Shampoo-thief
Name: Listrik
Species: Jolteon
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Appearance: Listrik has the normal coloration of a Jolteon. He has jet black eyes, and a yellow and white coat. The fur on his paws are black. His spikes change daily, sometimes there are a lot going every which way, and sometimes they are more tamed. Sometimes he finds things sticking to his fur because of the static.

Personality: Listrik is a very fast paced and impatient individual. He can be very social, and likes to talk. He can make friends very easily, but some people might call him annoying. He finds it hard to really apply himself to a task unless he enjoys it, or he understands the importance of it. He likes to run a lot, and is very fast. His isn't normally serious, but if he can sense the neccessity of the situation, he will act accordingly. On some social issues, Listik can be very oppinionated, and nothing will convince him that his oppinions are wrong. His beliefs tend to be more liberal. He hates the King and his rule, and is often very vocal about it, which gets him in trouble often.

History: Listrik's father is an Umbreon, and is a very rich and important business man, who has the exact opposite thoughts on government than Listrik. They get in arguements over everyhting, and their relationship has been damaged greatly by their differences. Listrik's mother is a Flareon, a stay at home mom, and is very submissive to her husband. She always take's her husbands side on arguements between him and Listrik. She doesn't seem to create opinions of her own.
Listrik grew up in a large mansion, and was an only child. He often got in trouble for not listening to his parents. Sometimes, he would do things just to make them angry. His father often called him a disappointment, but Listrik took it as a compliment. He would hate to be the man his father is. He even chose to be a Jolteon to make them mad, because his parents throught that Jolteons were lower class Eeveelutions because of their spikey and unkept hair and loud personalities.
As soon as he was 18, he moved out and never looked back.

Username: Kaiserchu
Name: Red
Species: Espeon
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Appearance: Red looks like any other Espeon, though there are a few things that differentiate him from others of his species. His left forelimb is made of wood, after he lost his real one during an ambush set up by Gorbalus's men. A black, circular mark resembling a crown of thorns around his blue head gem identifies him as a child of the Valiant Dynasty.

Personality: Red finds it easier to trust others than most, and always makes friends easily, so easily, most forget he is descended from royalty. It is advised to try and stay in Red's good books, as he can hold grudges for long amounts of time.

History: Red was born Gordon Valiant, and was son to a powerful Monarch named Obadiah Valiant. Red lived in luxury for many years, until his father was assasinated by rebels, forcing the young Eevee into exile; he wound up in a town without a Monarchy, and was cared for and loved by it's inhabitants. When Red evolved, he left his new home to travel the world and train in order to avenge his late father and earn his birthright.

Username: Snivylover555
Name: Static
Species: Jolteon
Gender: Female
Appearance: Sparks always fly from her and always wheres a bow on her ear and always keeps clean
Personality: She is so fast that nobody keeps up. Always cares for others. Loves making friends. And is very lovable. And very intelligent.
History: Her rival happens to be Vaporeon. They would race but Static always won. She was an orphan when she was younger. She now has no friends because everyone that she was weird. So now she's hoping for BFF's

Username: Umbreon/Espeon
Name: Dark
Species: Umbreon
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Appearance: Dark wears a hooded cape that was given to him by his best friend. He is average height and weight for an Umbreon.

Personality: Dark is very nice and polite to people. He is usually lurking around to learn more about them. Dark is very sneaky and secretive.

History: Dark was an orphan living on the streets with his best friend,Espeon. Espeon was also an orphan. They both lived in the same orphanage until a fire burned it down. They had no choice but to live on the streets defending themselves from whatever dangers that lurked in the alleys. One day Dark and Espeon were being chased by an angry Tyranitar. While the Tyranitar wasn't looking Dar and Espeon stole his wallet. The Tyranitar noticed them as they were running away. Espeon and Dark stole hooded capes from a drunken Spinda,and had those capes on right at the moment. They cam to a dead end,and the Tyranitar chuckled. Tyranitar used Payback on Espeon and Dark. Dark's cape tore from the Payback, but Espeon had suffered much worse. Espeon used Focus Blast on the Tyranitar, killing him.Espeon's eyelids began to flutter. His legs staggered. Espeon fell to the floor,dead. Dark had tears in his eyes, astonished that his best friend had died. Dark took off his cape, and put over Espeon's body. Dark took Espeon's cape and left his deceased friend.
I truly wish that I wasn't in so many RPGs so that I could join, and I will if I have time. Would you mind if I don't post very often, maybe once a day - I am in something like 6 RPGs and I can't keep count.
Sure, as long as you stay up-to-date when you post. Don't be wayy too inactive, though, and you will be just fine.
Lets say June 17, Friday. That way we have a little more time for people to join, seeing as we have only 6 people. But no matter how many people we have, we will start June 10, Friday.
dragonspit999 said:
Lets say June 17, Friday. That way we have a little more time for people to join, seeing as we have only 6 people. But no matter how many people we have, we will start June 10, Friday.

Sounds good! I can't wait to begin. Also, feel free to ask questions through PM or just in this thread! dragonspit and I are welcome to answer!
One of us (Me, Aggiegwyn, or Kaiserchu) will post the begginging post, which will (hopefully) get the story rolling.
Im leaving on vacation tomorrow for a week. I'll try to get on when I can. I'm assuming this will start while I am gone...
(Okay then, it begins...Now!)

A Noctowl wearing glasses named Octavian hopped along into the busy Town Square, his wing was still recovering from a recent injury involving an angry spouse and a teapot; while shoving through the crowd with his one good wing, Octavian couldn't shake the feeling that the crowd was going to lash out at him once he delivered his message.

Facing the crowd, Octavian cleared his throat and spoke as loudly as he could, "Excuse me? Do I have everyone's attention? New laws have been placed, and due to the significance of these laws, I am to read them aloud to you all..."

“The first of these laws is that there is now a wood tax, people are to pay the tax collectors a sum of money, based on how much wood, you have used in the production of certain items.”

Fearing the crowd would go into an uproar, Octavian announced the second law,

“The second law is that children under the age of six, are to taken from their homes and cared for in a facility, until they reach the age of seven, at sundown, this law will be enforced, so prepare your children should they be in the-um, age range.”

Octavian then fled as fast as he could, having no interest in dealing with the most likely furious townsfolk.

(How is this for a beginning?)
Dracona did not visit the village hearing. He knew word traveled fast, so instead, he stood watch for the other guards while they went. Laws were always bad, and the end result was always bad. Stupid government. Got to go and be greedy and selfish. The village was doing just fine before the government. Dracona heard an uproar from the village square. He decided to go loook. Just when he least expected it, while he was gone, two people walk through the unguarded gate. Chuckling, one said "Easier than I thought. Make a fake bill about wood tax to get extra money. Break in to the villlage when village assembly is going on, and BLAM! Easy snatch of the last Primo..." The other one then said "Now, we watch and wait..." Then the two mysteriously disappeared into the shadows.
Blade was at home while the town was in the square. His parents arrived and told his brother to pack his stuff. "Why am I leaving? Am I going to grandma's house?" His parents replied, "No, Jolt, the government is making every child under seven move until you are seven. Unfortunately you are five and forced to stay there until you are seven." At this moment, Jolt started crying and packed his stuff. Jolt thought, Why does the government have to take me away? I'll miss my parents. Afterwards, Jolt said his good-byes and was given a sad look by his parents. He waited for the government to arrive and take him away. "No, you're staying!" Blade yelled. "To heck with the government. Your son is one of the only people that will be here after I go to school and you're just going to give him up? Unpack your stuff Jolt, you're staying. We just need you to hide somewhere." Jolt unpacked and hid in the closet while Blade tried to hide his clothes and evidence.
Whisper was with her younger brother when they heard the announcement. As the government arrived to take him away, she protectively stood in front of him.
"Do your worst," she said to the government. "No one is taking any of my family members. If you want him, you have to get past me first."
Once again, these mysterious strangers appear in our story. "This should be easy. One law causes uproar, the other gives us a reason to take the primo," One said. The other replied, "Yep. Like takin' candy from a baby."

Dracona heard the second half of the announcement. "Every eevee seven and under!? That is outrageous!" Dracona began running home in an attempt to arrive before the governments workers did. In his speedy attempt, he arrived at the same time. He jumped in front of the door. "No! You can't have him! Hes my brother! Hes not even evolved yet!" The mysterious strangers were here. They were a Metagross and a Porygon. "Move aside, before we move you. We are just following orders. Sorry about this but..." The Metagross then knocked him aside, and punched the door with tremendous speed. The porygon flew in, while the Metagross watched the fallen pokemon.
Jon was just working in his shop, when a Kadabra popped in. He worked here, but this time he seemed worried. "Hey there. What's on your mind?" Jon said. "There's a new law. All Eevees under 7 are being taken away to the goverment. The city's in an uproar, and there's nothing I can do about it." Jon immediatly got up. "What!?!?! That's crazy!" Jon ran outside, to try to find any house with an Eevee he could try to save.

OOC: Do you object to me helping you Paddy?
The two pokemon standing before Whisper, a Haunter and a Zubat, looked at each over and then back at Whisper, the Haunter launching a Shadow Ball at Whisper; the Zubat sank it's teeth into the young boy's neck, sending a paralyzing venom through his body. Before the Zubat could drag the boy away, an invisible force swatted it into a nearby wall, knocking it unconcious, the attacker was none other than an Espeon with a false forelimb.

(Pseudo Ninja'd?)
Whisper launched a Blizzard at the Haunter, knocking it out. She then rushed to her brother.
"Are you alright? I'll get you some medicine quickly."
She then noticed the Espeon.
"Go away. I can deal with this myself."
OOC: I don't mind you helping, but Whisper is generally untrusting, so she would probably tell you to go away.
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