Eeveelutions Work Shop (Now taking requests-CLOSED I can render pictures)

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RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now takeing requests)

Lion king said:
Can you please make me a banner

Characters in the banner(one to several characters possible):: (Regigigas X, regice,regirock , registeel and Togekiss)
Theme Color: (Brown , cloudy white , light blue , and sliver/gray)
Theme: (Snowpoint temple in the background)
Do you want a border around the banner?:: (no)
Would you like me to give you the image code?:: ( yes)
Long or Short?:: (longl)
Size?:: (a little more than average)
TEXT:: (RegiKiss , the power of Sacrifice)

and a Avatar please

Characters in the banner(one to several characters possible):: (Regigigas X, regice,regirock , registeel and Togekiss)
Theme Color: (Brown , cloudy white , light blue , and sliver/gray)
Theme: (Snowpoint temple in the background)
Would you like me to give you the image code?:: ( yes)
Long or Short?:: (average)
Size?:: (125px x 125px)
TEXT:: (RegiKiss , the power of Sacrifice)

I'll need someone to cut the pics out.
Also, I'm temp. closed as I'm full with orders/requests just like your one.
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now takeing requests)

Yakkov said:

Can someone make me two buttons about the size of the PokeBeach Post, and New Thread buttons. I would to use some for my league, to link to the rules on PokeBeach.

Include Mewtwo on one, and Darkrai on the other please

Here you go:


RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

Light Venasaur said:
*I've started to crop out Suicune *, I'll do the other later as I've got work tonight & tomorrow. It'll be done within a week, as there's a lot of cropping to be done.*

Well, one week was today... but I compeletely understand that you were very full... just pointing out... How many requests did you get?? (excluding the cancelled one)
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

Sorry TCG , I am doing it.
I'm have it done in 1-2 days.
LV sorry for the late cut-outs , I have been really busy with school.
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

Thanx!! I can't wait!! :D yeah, school is a pain!! :p
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

(Randy-Arnold) said:
Sorry TCG , I am doing it.
I'm have it done in 1-2 days.
LV sorry for the late cut-outs , I have been really busy with school.

OK, again, not to be pushy or a jerk at all, but, today is day 5...
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

^Can you go & re-read my shop's one of them says: Don't Rush me.
Cut out's (or cropping) takes a while to do.
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

I know!! I'm just pointing that fact out... I'm not trying to here... sorry :(

TCG Trader said:
Well, one week was today... but I compeletely understand that you were very full... just pointing out... How many requests did you get?? (excluding the cancelled one)
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

^Alot, including my shop on SPPF.
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

Like I said , I am very busy with school and stuff.
I work slowly on the cut-outs and it will take a matter of days just to do 2-3 of them. (I got like 7 to do.)
So please don't rush me , or if you do you'll be last.
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

Just cancel my order. It's already 1 1/2 weeks late, so nevermind.
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

LV would you be able to make 1 card every Friday for the next three weeks
Would you be interested in helping judge my contest
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

^Next time, use the PM systerm/MSN/ have a "chit chat".
I'll think bout judgeing (as I'm a tough judge).
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

Now Re-opened & takeing requests!!!
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

Professor Shinx (9:57:21 PM): Still want me to join your shop???
Shaymin99 (9:57:55 PM): yep

Nuff` said.

I do:
Cropping –

Fusions –

Badges -

Scratches of cards -

Edit: I have hella better fusions then those but im saving them for competitions :p
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

^Welcome Prof. Shinx.
I need something to do, please give me something to do....or I'll make a banner for contest usage.
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now takeing requests)

Characters in the banner(one to several characters possible):: ( fill in) Dialga, Azelf
Theme Color: (blue, black, etc.) Silver
Theme: ( mellow, hard, cool, dreamy, soft, light, etc.) Cool
Do you want a border around the banner?:: (yes or no, PS: a border is the outline of the banner) yes
Would you like me to give you the image code?:: ( yes or no: you will need to know what an image code is: click here for questions and answers)yes
Long or Short?:: (optional) short
Size?:: (Big, medium, small...etc...) medium
TEXT:: (Anything you want to say in the banner?) The clan of Dialga
Picture popping out of the base banner: Y/N no
RE: Konoha Village Work Shop (Now taking requests-but closed)

^Tell me if you like this one:

*Click on the banner for the link.*
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